Saturday, September 2, 2006

Ratana Sutta - The Buddha

Ratana Sutta - The Discourse of Jewels

The Power of the Ratana Sutta

Once, a famine broke out in Vesali. It began with a serious drought. There was an almost total failure of crops and many people died of starvation, followed by an epidemic of diseases. People could hardly cope with the disposal of the corpses. The stench of death was everywhere and it attracted evil spirits.

In their grief and sorrow, the people of Vesali tried to seek help from various sources but finally they decided to seek help from the Buddha. So a mission headed by Mahali, the Licchavi prince, requested King Bimbisara to invite the Buddha to pay a visit to Vesali and help them in their distress. Instead the king directed them to personally go and extend the invitation. The Enlightened One knew that his visit would be beneficial to many people, so he consented to go to Vesali.

The Buddha set out for Vesali with a large retinue of bhikkhus. As soon as he reached Vesali, heavy rains fell in torrents, thus cleansing the city. The Enlightened One was put up in a specially prepared rest house. Sakka, king of the Devas, came with his followers to pay homage to him and the evil spirits fled. That same evening the Buddha delivered the Ratana Sutta and requested Venerable Ananda to recite the same sutta while going round the city.

Ananda did as he was told and as the protective verses (parittas) were being recited, many of those who were sick recovered. The Buddha delivered the same Sutta for seven consecutive days. At the end of the seventh day, everything returned to normal in Vesali. Heavy rains cleansed the city of the pollution. The Licchavi princes and the people of Vesali were very much relieved and were overjoyed. They were also very grateful to the Buddha.

The Ratana Sutta

Yânîdha bhûtâni samâ-gatâni
Whatever beings are here assembled,
Bhummâ nivâ yâni va antalikkhê
Whether terrestial or celestial,
Sabbe va bhûtâ sumanâ bhavantu
May every being be happy !
Athopi sakkacca sunantu bhâsitam
Moreover, may they attentively listen to my words.

Tasmâhi bhûtâ nisâmetha sabbe
Accordingly give good heed, all ye beings!
Mettam karôtha mânusiya pajâya
Show your love to humans who,
Divâ ca rattô ca haranti yê balim
Day and night, bring offerings to you,
Tasmâhi nê rakkhatha appamattâ
Wherefore guard them zealously.

Yankinci vittam idhavâ huram vâ
Whatsoever treasure there be - either here or in the world beyond,
Saggêsu vâyam ratanam panîtam
Or whatsoever precious jewel in the heavens -
Nano-samam atthi tathâgatena
Yet there is none is comparable to the Accomplished One.
Idampi Buddhê ratanam panîtam
Truly, in the Buddha is this precious jewel found.
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu
By this truth, may there be happiness.

Khayam virâgam amatam panitam
That Cessation, Passion free, Immortality Supreme,
Yadajjhagâ sakyamunî samâhito
Through concentration, the tranquil sage of the Sakyas realised:
Natena dhammena samatthi kincî
There is nought comparable with that Dhamma.
Idampi Dhamme ratanam panîtam
Truly, in the Dhamma is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu
By this truth, may there be happiness!

Yambuddha settho parivannayî sucim
That sanctity praised by the Buddha Supreme,
Samâdhi mânantari kañña mâhû
Is described as `concentration without interruption'.
Samâdhinâ tena samo na vijjatî
There is nought like that concentration.
Idampi Dhamme ratanam panîtam
Truly, in the Dhamma is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Ye puggalâ attha satam pasatthâ
Those eight Individuals, praised by the virtuous
Cattâri etâni yugâni honti
They constitue four pairs.
Te dakkhineyyâ sugatassa sâvakâ
They, the worthy of offerings, the disciples of the Welcome One,
Etesu dinnâni mahapphalânî
To these gifts given yield abundant fruit.
Idampi Sanghê ratanam panîtam
Truly, in the Sangha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Yê suppa-yuttâ manasâ dalhena
With steadfast mind, applying themselves
Nikkâmino Gotama-sâsanamhî
Thoroughly in the Dispensation of Gotama,
Te patti pattâ amatam vigayha
Exempt (from passion), they have attained to that which should be attained.
Laddhâ mudhâ nibbutim bhunjamâna
And plunging into the Deathless, they enjoy the peace obtained without price.
Idampi Sanghe ratanam panîtam
Truly, in the Sangha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Yathinda khîlô pathavim sito siyâ
Just as a firm post, sunk in the earth,
Catubbhi vâtebhi asampa kampiyo
Cannot be shaken by the four winds;
Tathûpamam sappurisam vadâmi
Even so do I declare him to be a righteous person
Yo ariya saccâni avecca passatî
Who thoroughly perceives the Noble Truths.
Idampi Sanghê ratanam panîtam
Truly, in the Sangha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Ye ariya saccâni vibhâva-yanti
Those who comprehend clearly the Noble Truths,
Gambhîra-paññena sudesitâni
Well taught by Him of wisdom deep,
Kincâpi te honti bhusappa mattâ
Although they may be mightily neglectful
Na tê bhavam atthamam âdiyanti
They can never undergo an eighth birth
Idampi Sanghe ratanam panîtam
Truly, in the Sangha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Sahâ vassa dassana sampadâya
For him with acquisition of Insight,
Tayassu dhammâ jahitâ bhavantî
Three things are abandoned, namely,
Sakkâya-ditthi vici-kicchi-tanca
Self-illusion, doubt and
Sîlabbatam vâpi yadatthi kinci
Indulgence in (wrongful) rites and ceremonies, whatever there are.
Catû hapâyehica vippa muttô
From the four states of misery, he is absolutely freed,
Cha câbhi thânâni abhabbo kâtum
And is incapable of committing the six heinous crimes.
Idampi Sanghê ratanam panîtam
Truly, in the Sangha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Kincâpi so kammam karoti pâpakam
Whatever evil actions he does,
Kâyena vâcâ uda cetasâ vâ
Whether by body, speech or mind.
Abhabbo so tassa paticchâ-dâya
He is not capable of hiding it;
Abhabbatâ dittha padassa vuttâ
For it has been said that such an act is impossible for one who has seen the Path.
Idampi Sanghe ratanam panitam
Truly, in the Sangha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Vanappa gumbhe yathâ phussitagge
Like unto the woodland groves with blossomed treetops
Gimhâna-mâse pathamasmim gimhe
In the first heat of the Summer season,
Tathû pamam dhamma varam adesayi
Has the Sublime Doctrine,
Nibbâna gâmim paramam hitâya
That leads to Nibbana, been taught for the Highest Good.
Idampi Buddhê ratanam panitam
Truly, in the Buddha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Varô varaññû varado varâharo
The unrivalled Excellent One, the Knower, the Giver, and the Bringer of the Excellent
Anuttaro dhamma varam adesayi
Has expounded the excellent Doctrine.
Idampi Buddhe ratanam panitam
Truly, in the Buddha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Khinam purânam navam natthi sambhavam
Their past is extinct, a fresh becoming there is not,
Viratta cittâ âyatike bhavasmim
Their minds are not attached to a future birth,
Te khina-bijâ avirul-hicch
And their desires grow not.
Nibbanti dhîra yathâ-yam padipô
Those wise ones go out even as this lamp.
Idampi Sanghe ratanam panitam
Truly, in the Sangha is this precious jewel.
Etena saccena suvatthi hôtu
By this Truth, may there be happiness!

Yanîdha bhûtâni samâ-gatâni
Whatsoever beings are here assembled
Bhummâ-nivâ yâniva anta-likkhê
Whether terrestial or celestial,
Tathagatam deva-manussa-pûjitam
Salute the Buddha, the Tathagata honoured by gods and men.
Buddham namassâma suvatthi hôtu
May there be happiness!

Yanîdha bhûtâni samâ-gatâni
Whatsoever beings are here assembled
Bhummâ-nivâ yâniva anta-likkhê
Whether terrestial or celestial,
Tathagatam deva-manussa-pûjitam
Salute the Dhamma, the Tathagata honoured by gods and men.
Dhammam namassâma suvatthi hôtu
May there be happiness!

Yanîdha bhûtâni samâ-gatâni
Whatsoever beings are here assembled
Bhummâ-nivâ yâniva anta-likkhê
Whether terrestial or celestial,
Tathagatam deva-manussa-pûjitam
Salute the Sangha, the Tathagata honoured by gods and men.
Dhammam namassâma suvatthi hôtu
May there be happiness!

Etena sacca vajjena - dukkhâ vûpa samentu mê
By these true words may all suffering cease.
Etena sacca vajjena - bhayâ vûpa samentu mê
By these true words may all fears cease.
Etena sacca vajjena - rogâ vûpa samentu mê
By these true words may all diseases cease.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Points To Ponder

1) Points to Ponder:

i) We're human before 'labels' separate us.

So are you human, or are you separated?

'Labels' >> Names (Brian/Bryan/Ah Seng), gender (male/female), social status (rich/poor), age (young/old), appearance (beautiful/plain, etc), profession (CEO/Cleaner/Blue Collar/White Collar), race, religion etc...

ii) Politics is about PEOPLE.....

1) People against people;

2) Or, People (working) for people......

So, which is yours?

iii) It is not important what we say our religion is....

What's important is -

Do we PRACTICE it?

* Even if we do practice, are we practising the 'essence' of it -

Every moment from the heart, genuinely from the heart......And that's what's important.

So, are you saying, or, are you practising the religion?

iv) We're not here to judge ..... who's right, who's wrong, who's/what's good, who's/what's bad.....

We 're here to bridge the gap, to create more peace and harmony to this place we call "Home".

So, are you judging, or Are you bridging the gap?