Monday, July 25, 2011

Being Slapped

Being Slapped

An ex-student once made this remark about me :

That I'm the kind who when people slap me on the right, I'll turn my face the other way to let them slap me on the left as well.

I recall that the morning after the meeting,

I thought about her remark, and said to myself :

"I wouldn't do that. I'm not so stupid. People slap me on the right, I still let them slap me on the left,

That's pure stupidity.

Only a stupid fool would do that.

Now, What would I do?

I'll look them coolly in the eye, tell them I forgive them, turn and quietly walk away.

That's what I'll do.

Now that's Wisdom with Compassion/Loving-Kindness.

* P.S.

And for those who are fond of slapping others/people, I urge you to be careful.

Cos the evil that you do FOLLOWS you,


*** Read

1) Whacko Wacko -

2) Kamma Kamma Part 1 -

3) Why Not -

4) What A Joke -

"Forgiveness is the HIGHEST form of LOVE -

It is to the one who forgives that WISDOM comes....

Freedom comes,


"Love - soft and gentle;

Calm and cool;

Patient and kind;

Quiet and peaceful."

"If you can keep yourself calm and quiet,

Like a broken gong which is no longer resonant,

You are sure to realise Nibbana;

There will be no harshness in you."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 134

"Among the hateful, we be PEACEFUL."

- The Buddha

"For a TRULY enlightened one,

There's NO such thing as

MINE (clinging/attachment);

I (conceit/ego); and

SELF (wrong/false view).

- The Buddha