Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kamma Kamma (Part 1) : Oh no ...

Kamma Kamma (Part 1) : Oh no ...!

In several of my blogs, I mentioned that what we do to others, we're actually doing to ourselves.

What do I mean by that?

When you scold others, rude to them, cheat, lie to people, carry tales, backstabbing them, or even do harm to them etc,

You may think you're doing it to other people.

In Reality, you're doing it to yourself.

In 'The Body' -, I said that we're all made up of dead stuff.

So you see, you're doing things to dead stuff.

BUT, because you're the one doing it,

The things get thrown back on your face - bounce back on you, FLY back to YOU.

Just like a mail, if there's no one to receive it, it gets sent back to the sender.

Cos what goes around comes around;

The boomerang will find you.

They will all come back to - YOU.

*Read "Mr CEO or Cleaning Auntie" -

"If one speaks or acts with a wicked mind,

Because of that, suffering follows one,

Even as the wheel follows the hoof of the draught-ox."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 1

"Not in the sky, nor in mid-ocean,

Nor in a mountain cave,

Is found that place on earth

Where abiding,

One may escape from the consequences of one's evil deed."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 127


"That deed is not well done, when, after having done it, one regrets,

And when weeping, with tearful face,

One reaps the fruit thereof."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 67

"There is NO power superior to that of Kamma which goes beyond the grave."

- Ajahn Mun

"Beings are owners of their own Kamma,

And the results of their Kamma belong to them


- The Buddha

"Kamma is within oneself.

It is oneself who is constantly performing causes and experiencing their effects."

- Ajahn Mun

In short,

"One has the right to make Kamma,

BUT Kamma (also) has the right to bring the results back to ONE."

- The Buddha

* ... Oh no!