Monday, September 24, 2007

Why fight

Why fight

During the Civil War, both sides claimed that they have the Support of God.

Both sides believed that they were doing the right/righteous thing.

The sentiments were voiced so often, enough for President Lincoln to observe,

"God CANNOT be for and against the same thing at the same time."

This is what's happening now.

As a matter of fact, it has been happening since time immemorial.

And, it's still happening now.

Why do we have to fight all the time?

Why can't we live in peace and harmony and work together?

You fight me, I fight you - it's never ending.

In Chinese, 没完没了.


The Buddha was right when he said, "Beginning-less, Endless."

Which is worse : the so-called natural disasters like earthquakes, or war and riots?

Bad as an earthquake or 'natural' disaster may be, it's during such times that people, regardless of class, caste, colour or creed, come together as ONE and help each other.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, people reach out to one another and become friends in need.

And in the process, become more trusting.

Whereas, during times of war or riots, there's only anger, hate, ill-will, suspicion, fear, insecurity and vengeance.

The source of any war or riots is always us - Humans.


hink about it:

The conditions that create it is us.

The igniting of it is us.

The doing is us.

And, the continuing of it is US.

What this means is:

We are responsible. It's all OUR fault.

What are we fighting for anyway?

Have you ever thought about that?

I'll tell you what the fights are for :

For satisfying our individual selfish, greedy, power-hungry and egoistic minds.

That's what the wars and riots are for.

Now, consider the opposite : LOVE

How nice it would be if everyone would just love.

Then there'll be no enemy, and that means there'll be no one to defeat, and no one to hate.


"Why fight? Why escape?

Why not be peaceful instead?"

"When there is power with no conscience, and greed with no limit, there will be killing with no end".


"A man who is not at peace with himself cannot be at peace with the world, and external wars have to continue in order to hide the fact from individuals that the real war is within."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda


"There can be no peace in this war-torn world (of ours) until the conflicts of man within himself are ended."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda


"War is created by the human mind and the same human can create peace with justice if only man uses his unbiased mind."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda


"As human beings, our task is to convince the world that peace is something which can be achieved NOT by conquering others, but by conquering our own selfishness."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda


"Hatred NEVER ceases through hatred in this world;

LOVE alone they cease.

This is an eternal law."

- The Buddha

"Victory breeds hatred.

The defeated live in pain.

Happily the peaceful live,

Giving up victory and defeat."

- The Buddha


"There is no victory in war -

The victors rejoice;

The defeated sulk and vow revenge.

Round and round the cycle goes,

History repeating itself and never ends."