Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pile of Dung

Pile of Dung

Have you ever wonder what the Human body really is?

Some people may say it's flesh and bones.

To others, it's muscles, tissues, sinews, vessels, organs blah blah blah ...

Yet others may say it's made up of the elements : Earth, Wind, Fire, Water (and some also say Ether).

Without a doubt, they're ALL correct.

The Human body is all that.

Still, being a nosey poker, I would like to add to the list of answers above as to what a Human Body really is : A pile of dung.


If you read Food for Thought, you'll know I said, "Regardless of who or what we are, when we die, we are Nothing but fertiliser for the soil.

Exactly my point : Pile of Dung.

If the Human Body is not a pile of dung, why do we waste precious time and money wearing make-up, expensive clothes, doing up our hair etc?

Not just the ladies.

The gentlemen are doing it, too. Increasingly.


Because, the sight of dung is just too awful to see.

So, we need to dress/make it up to look good.

Let's try something else.

Why do we wear perfume or deodorant?

Have you ever smelt a pile of dung?

If you haven't, try smelling one; and you'll know the reason why.

How about why do you think some men exercise so hard to develop muscles?

And, generally ladies are always described as soft tofu.

Imagine a pile of dung left out in the sun for a few days.

How does it feel (to touch)?


Ya, I thought so.

Figure out the 'soft' one yourself.

Do you go to toilet sometimes?

Have you ever listen attentively when you're in the toilets?

Do you noticed that some sounds are soft and gentle, while others hard, rough, loud and even forceful?

Last but not least, do you notice that we hardly taste or lick our bodies/ourselves?

Now we know why.

So you see, the human body is really nothing but a pile of dung.

In conclusion, the human body is actually Nothing but what is made up, and out from ourselves, our 'deluded' minds, and our senses.

So, the next time someone scolds or speaks harshly, or is mean to you,


It's just a pile of dung scolding another pile of dung.

Nothing to be upset about.

"When challenged by fools, the wise ignores them."