A group of bhikkhus from Savatthi, after each obtaining a subject of meditation from the Buddha, travelled to a place far away and came to a large forest grove, a suitable place for meditation.
The guardian spirits of the trees dwelling in that forest thought that if those bhikkhus were staying in the forest, it would not be proper for them to live with their families in the trees. So, they descended from the trees, thinking that the bhikkhus would stop there only for one night.
But the bhikkhus were still there at the end of a fortnight and it occurred to them that the bhikkhus might be staying there till the end of the rainy season.
They realised that if that was so they and their families would have to live on the ground for a long time. So, they decided to frighten away the bhikkhus by making ghostly sounds and frightful visions. They showed up with bodies without heads, and with heads without bodies, etc.
The bhikkhus were very upset and left the place and returned to the Buddha, and related everything to him. The Buddha told them that this had happened because previously they went without any 'weapon' and that they should go back there armed with a suitable weapon. So saying, the Buddha taught them the entire Metta Sutta, the discourse on Loving-Kindness, as their weapon.
The bhikkhus were instructed to radiate their loving-kindness to all beings that inhabit the earth while reciting the Metta Sutta.
They should harbour no ill-will or fear towards any being.
Thus the bhikkhus returned to the forest grove and did exactly as they were told.
The guardian spirits of the trees, on receiving loving-kindness from the bhikkhus, reciprocated by readily welcoming and not harming them.
They willingly stayed on the ground and so much harmony and peace was generated. There were no more ghostly sounds and ungainly sights. Thus left in peace, the bhikkhus meditated on the body and came to realise its fragile and impermanent nature.
The Benefits of practising, chanting and meditating on the Metta Sutta ........
1) Comfortable Sleep
2) Waking Up Comfortably
3) Not having bad dreams
4) Being loved by all humans
5) Being loved by non-humans
6) Protection by gods
7) Not being subject to danger from fire, poisons and weapons
8) Mental poise
9) Brightness of facial complexion
10) Ability to face death without fear
11) The birth in the Brahma world after death
The Metta Sutta - The Discourse on Loving-Kindness
Karanîya mattha kusalena
He who is skilled in doing good,
Yantam santam padam abhi-samecca
And who wishes to attain that state of calm (i.e. Nibbana) should act thus :
Sakko ujû ca sûjû ca
He should be able, upright, perfectly upright,
Suvaco cassa mudu anatimâni
Obedient, gentle and humble.
Santussako ca subharo ca
Contented, easily supportable (not a burden to others),
Appa-kicco ca sallahuka-vutti
With few duties, simple in livelihood.
Santindriyo ca nipako ca
Controlled in senses, discreet, not impudent;
Appa-gabbho kulesu ananu giddho
Not greedily attached to families.
Naca khuddham samâcare kinci
He should not commit any slight wrong,
Yena viññû pare upava-deyyumso
That other wise men might deplore
Sukhino vâ khemino hontu
May all beings be happy and safe,
Sabbe sattâ bhavantu sukhi-tattâ
May their hearts be happy.
Ye keci pâna bhû-tatthi
Whatsoever living beings that exist;
Tasâvâ thâvarâ vâ anava sesâ
Weak, or strong, without exception,
Dighâ vâ ye mahantâ vâ
Long, stout or medium,
Majjhimâ-rassa-kânuka thûlâ
Short, small or large.
Ditthâ vâ yeva additthâ
Those seen (visible) or unseen (not visible)
Ye ca dûre vasanti avidûre
And those dwelling far or near,
Bhûtâ vâ sambhavesi vâ
Those who are born and those who are to be born.
Sabbe sattâ bhavantu sukhi-tattâ
May all beings, without exception, be happy minded.
Na paro param nikubbetha
Let no one deceive another
Nâti-mannêtha katthaci nam kancin
Or despise anyone anywhere.
Byâro-sanâ patigha-saññâ
In anger or ill will,
Nâññâ-maññassa dukkha-miccheyya
Let them not wish each other harm.
Mâtâ yathâ niyam puttam
Just as a mother would guard her only child
Âyusâ eka-putta-manu rakkhe
At the risk of her own life,
Evampi sabba bhûtesu
Even so towards all beings
Mânasam-bhâvaye apari-mânam
Let him cultivate boundless mind.
Mettañca sabba lôkasmin
Let thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world;
Manasam-bhâvaye apari-mânam
Above, below and across
Uddham adhô ca tiriyanca
Without any obstruction,
Asam-bâdham averam asa-pattam
Without any hatred, without any enmity.
Tittham caram nisinno vâ
Whether he stands, walks, sits
Sayâno vâ yâva tassa vigata middho
Or lies down, as long as he is awake,
Etam satim adhitthheyya
He should develop this mindfulness.
Brahma metam viharam idha-mâhu
This they say is the Highest conduct here.
Ditthiñca anupa gamma sîlavâ
Not falling into (wrong) views,
Dassa-nena sampanno
Virtuous and endowed with vision (insight),
Kâmesu vineyya gedham
He discards attachment to sensuous desires.
Nahi jâtu gabbha seyyam punaretî ti
Truly, he does not come again; to be conceived in a womb.
Etena sacca vajjena - Sotthi me hotu sabbadâ
By the firm determination of this truth may I ever be well.
Etena sacca vajjena - Sabba rogo vinasatu
By the firm determination of this truth may I be free from illness.
Etena sacca vajjena - Hotu me jaya mangalam
By the firm determination of this truth may peaceful victory be mine!
2nd Version
Karaniya Metta Sutta -
The Discourse on Loving Kindness
This is what should be done
By one who is skilled in goodness
And who knows the path of peace
Let them be able and upright
Straightforward and gentle in speech
Humble and not conceited
Contented and easily satisfied
Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways
Peaceful and calm, wise and skillful
Not proud and demanding in nature
Let them not do the slightest thing
That the wise would later reprove
Wishing in their hearts in gladness and in safety
May all beings be at ease
Straightforward and gentle in speech
Humble and not conceited
Contented and easily satisfied
Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways
Peaceful and calm, wise and skillful
Not proud and demanding in nature
Let them not do the slightest thing
That the wise would later reprove
Wishing in their hearts in gladness and in safety
May all beings be at ease
Whatever living beings there may be
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small
The seen and the unseen
Those living near and far away
Those born and to be born
May all beings be at ease!
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small
The seen and the unseen
Those living near and far away
Those born and to be born
May all beings be at ease!
Let none deceive another
Or despise any being in any state
Let none through anger or ill-will
Wish harm upon another
Or despise any being in any state
Let none through anger or ill-will
Wish harm upon another
Even as a mother protects with her life
Her child, her only child
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings
Radiating kindness over the entire world
Spreading upwards to the skies
And downwards to the depths
Outward and unbounded
Freed from drowsiness
One should sustain this recollection
This is said to be the sublime abiding
Her child, her only child
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings
Radiating kindness over the entire world
Spreading upwards to the skies
And downwards to the depths
Outward and unbounded
Freed from drowsiness
One should sustain this recollection
This is said to be the sublime abiding
By not holding to fixed or false views
The pure hearted one, having clarity of vision
Being freed from all sense desires
Is not born again into this world
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
The pure hearted one, having clarity of vision
Being freed from all sense desires
Is not born again into this world
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!