Why do we have to label?
Maybe to make things easier.
For convention.
But why do we attach meaning to it? (Read "Good or Bad" - http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2007/04/good-or-bad.html)
Be it inter-religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc)
Or intra-religion (within a particular faith eg. Buddhism : Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Zen , Pureland, etc)
In "What is, What is not" - http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2007/09/what-is-what-is-not.html, I wrote that Love and Education play a very important part in many aspects of our lives, including religion.
As a matter of fact, if you think about it, Religion is about Love and Education.
It is about Acceptance - accepting others as they are;
Living Morally;
And, as a cultured people in Peace and Harmony, and service to the whole world.
Religion is not blindly accepting,
Or conditioned by views, opinions, beliefs, ideas,
Which although passed down from generations,
But may be outdated, misinterpreted over the ages, by now.
Neither is it control or the imposing of views and values (eg. "You must do this, you can't do that")
Religion is Freedom.
Religion is NOT segregation or separatism.
Religion is ONE.
It is not competitive or being best (we are the Supreme one).
Nor is it labelling (I'm Greater, You're Lesser).
Most important of all,
Religion is NOT about Money, Power, Control and/or Status.
"Do NOT blindly believe anything that's said by the teachers, or those in authorities;
Or that has been spoken or rumoured by many; Or that has been written in scriptures and passed down through many generations.Only upon careful observation, investigation, and analysis.
If the teaching when practised, do no harm, and brings more Love, Peace, Harmony and Wisdom to the world;
Is for the good and benefit of one and all.
Do you then practise it and abide by it."
- The Kalama Sutta, The Buddha
PS ... In short, "Use your brain! Use your brain!"
"One should not accept anything with mere faith;
But one should use one's common sense and intelligence before accepting anything."
- The Buddha
"There is an inherent problem in trying to intermingle religion with politics.
The basis of religion is Morality, Purity and Faith, while that of politics is power."
(Sadly), in the course of history, religion has often been used to give legitimacy to those in power and their exercise of that power and also to justify wars and conquests, persecutions, atrocities, rebellions, and the destruction of works of art and culture."
- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda.
"The purpose of religion is to guide mankind, to develop unity and a harmonious life and to cultivate humane qualities.
Today however, religion is being used to discriminate against other religions and to develop jealousy.
Actually man is not using religion to maintain peace BUT to disturb and hate others.
This hostile attitude and unhealthy religious competition has even created blood-shed in many parts of the world."
- Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda.
"If Muslims really follow the concept of Brotherhood,
If Christian live by the Sermon on the Mount,
If the Hindus shape their lives in oneness, and
If Buddhists follow the Noble Eightfold Path,
Definitely there will be Peace and Harmony in this World."
- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda
"Let us live happily,
Not hating those who hate us.
Among those who hate us,
- The Buddha
"Religion is Not a law, but a disciplinary code which should be followed with understanding."
- The Buddha