"Do not kill, and do not cause / let others kill.
Find whatever means to protect lives and prevent war."
- The Buddha
In life, actually everything is very simple.
Likewise with the above.
If only we can all focus on the similarities and not the differences.
In 'Let's talk about Love' ( http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2007/01/lets-talk-about-love_09.html), I mentioned that all religions / faiths teach Love, Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Peace.
All teach good. Goodness.
If only we can focus on that instead of the labels that separate us - Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc etc.
As Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda once said,
"If Muslims really follow the concept of Brotherhood, if Christians live by the Sermon on the Mount, if the Hindus shape their lives in Oneness, and if Buddhists follow the Noble Eightfold Path, Definitely there will be Peace and Harmony in this world." (read 'Religion or Label Marketing' http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2007/10/religion-or-label-marketing.html).
Let us not forget the fact that you are a human, a living being, and I am a human, a living being, and all that each one of us really want is Happiness and Peace.
So why can't we ignore all the class, caste, colour and/or creed? (read 'Points to Ponder' - http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2006/11/eternal-maitre-eternal-wisdom-eternal.html and 'Good or Bad' - http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2007/04/good-or-bad.html)
If only we can let go of all that and help each other, and work together;
And if only we can all 'fight' to love, to be kind, compassionate, and not out of greed, anger, jealousy, hate, grudges, or because of history, or because our authorities, or gurus tells us so,
Then we'll really be able to protect lives and prevent war.
And then and only then, will there be peace on Earth.
Let's avoid dividing ourselves into football teams : I Manchester United, You Liverpool, He Chelsea, She Arsenal etc etc.
Fight, fight, fight. Attack, attack, attack. When are we ever going to learn to make Peace and Not War? (read 'How Foolish Can We Get' (Part 7) : Man and War - http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2008/03/how-foolish-can-we-get-part-7-man-and.html)
As the late Ven Ajahn Chah said,
"Please work together, cooperate and live in harmony. Make effort to get along with each other to have harmony in your relations rather than exploiting or harming each other."
Drawing on what Ajahn Chah said, in 'Why Fight', I wondered,
"How nice it would be if everyone would just Love.
Then there will be no enemy, and that means there will be no one to defeat and no one to hate."
As The Buddha said,
"Evil doers are not wicked by nature; They do evil because they are ignorant."
"Anger can never dispel anger; Hate can never dispel hate. Only Love. Only love can dispel anger; Only love can dispel hate."
Peace can come to this world again, if only each of us try.
Can't we?
"The only power is the power of Love, of Kindness, of Compassion, of Tenderness,
of Gentleness, of Forgiveness and of Mercy.
And this power alone is Liberating."
"Nothing in the world can be or should be achieved by or through the use of force.
Only Love, Kindness, Compassion, Gentleness, Tenderness, Forgiveness and Mercy.
There is no other way.
This is the only way."
"We are the ones who create this world.
We are the ones who make this world what it is Today.
Forget the past, the past is over.
What good is there looking back in the past?
Let go, forgive and move on.
Our Mother Earth has suffered enough.
All sentient beings have suffered enough.
We have all suffered enough.
There had been too much anger, too much hate.
Too much hurt, too much senseless pain.
Too much sorrows, too much sadness.
Too much ignorance, too much confusion.
It's time for a new Beginning.
A new beginning of Love, of Kindness, of Compassion, of Joy, of Peace, of Light.
And most important of all
Of Wisdom.
Let our Mother Earth suffer no more.
Let all sentient beings suffer no more.
Let us all suffer no more.
Let us create a world.
A whole new world.
That's filled with Love, Kindness, Compassion, Joy, Peace.
And most important of all
Only we have the power to make this happen.
Only we have the power to heal this world.
Only we have the power to make this world a better place for all sentient beings to live in.
And ONLY WE have the power to bring Love, Kindness, Compassion, Joy, Peace and most important of all,
Back to this place
We call 'Home'
Once Again."
Manasam-bhavaye apari-manam
Uddham adho ca tiriyanca.
Asam-badham averam asa-pattam.
(Let thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world;
Above, below and across.
Without any obstruction,
Without any hatred, without any enmity)."
- The Buddha (The Metta Sutta)
For Love For Freedom For Peace