Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Happens To ........ (Part 1) : A Fool

What Happens To ........ (Part 1) : A Fool

I find the following Teachings by The Buddha extremely important, and especially relevant.

As such, I'm reproducing it here and over the next few weeks to share with everyone.

Hopefully reading it, we can all learn something from it, and be more aware.

Happy reading!

"I heard thus.

At one time The Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta's grove in Savatthi. The Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus from there.

'Bhikkhus, these three are the marks, characteristics and attainments of the fool.

What are the three?

The fool has foolish thoughts, foolish words and foolish actions.

If the fool was not with foolish thoughts, words and actions, how are the wise to know this good person is a fool, an unworthy one.

Since the fool thinks, speaks and acts foolishly, the wise knows he is a fool.

The fool experiences unpleasantness and displeasure here and now in three ways.

Bhikkhus, if the fool is with a crowd, in the street corner or a junction, and if the people there were talking some current topic,

And if he destroyed living things, took the not given, misbehaved sexually, told lies and took intoxicating drinks, it occurs to him -

These things the people are talking are evident in me too.

This is the first instance that the fool experiences unpleasantness and displeasure.

Again, bhikkhus, the fool sees an offender taken hold by the king and given various kinds of torture, caned and whipped, flogged with the jungle rope, flogged with the soiled stick, hands severed, legs severed, or both hands and legs severed, ears and nose severed, put in the boiling gruel pot, shell tonsured, put in Rahu's mouth, garlanded with the blazing garland, hands scorched, the bark dress given, put with snakes, putting hooks in the flesh, cutting pieces of flesh from the body, driving a spike from ear to ear, beating to make the body like straw, immersing in the boiling oil, giving to the dogs to be eaten, raising on a spike alive until death, and cutting the neck with the sword;

Bhikkhus, then it occurs to the fool - for the reason of doing evil, this robber, evil doer is punished. If the king gets hold of me, I too will be subjected to these same punishments.

This is the second instance that the fool experiences unpleasantness and displeasure.

Again, bhikkhus, when the fool is relaxed on a chair, on the bed or on a cover on the floor, he thinks of his misbehaviour by body, speech and mind.

At such times they press on him heavily.

Like the shadow of a huge mountain peak, would fall on the earth heavily in the evening.

In the same manner when the fool is relaxed on a chair, on the bed or on a cover on the floor, he thinks of his misbehaviour by body, speech and mind.

At such times they press on him heavily.

Bhikkhus, then it occurs to the fool -

I did not do good and merit. Didn't dispel the fear of the frightened, did evil bloody faults and later I will reap their results.

He grieves, laments, beats his breast and comes to bewilderment of mind.

Bhikkhus, this is the third instance that the fool experiences unpleasantness and displeasure.

Bhikkhus, there are beings that go on their fours and grinding grass dry or wet with their teeth, eat it.

Who are such beings?

They are horses, cattle, donkeys, goats, deer or any other animals that go on their fours and eat grass.

The fool greedy for tastes, do evil things and after death are born in the company of the four footed and eat grass.

Bhikkhus, there are animals that eat excreta.

They run sniffing the smell of excreta, thinking we will eat that and that, like the brahmin that runs for the smell of a sacrifice thinking, "We will eat here! We will eat here!"

In the same manner animals that eat excreta, run sniffing the smell of excreta, thinking we will eat that and that.

Bhikkhus, what are the animals that eat excreta?

They are cocks, pigs, dogs, foxes and any other animals that eat excreta.

The fool greedy for tastes, do evil things and after death are born in the company of the animals that eat excreta.

Bhikkhus, there are crawling things that are born, live and die in the dark. Bhikkhus, what are the crawling things that are born, live and die in the dark?

Beetles, worm maggots, earth worms and similar crawling things are born, live and die in the dark.

Fools greedy for tastes, do evil things and after death are born in the company of those born in the dark.

Bhikkhus, there are things that are born, live and die in the water. Bhikkhus, what are the things that are born, live and die in water?

Fish, turtles, crocodiles and similar beings are born, live and die in water.

Fools greedy for tastes, do evil things and after death are born in the company of those born in water.

Bhikkhus, there are things that are born, live and die in excreta. Bhikkhus, what are the things that are born, live and die in excreta?

Things that are born live and die in rotten fish, in rotten flesh, in rotten bread, in a dirty village pool.

Fools greedy for tastes, do evil things and after death are born in the company of those born, live and die in excreta.

I may explain the unpleasantness of the animal world in various ways, yet it is not easy to explain that unpleasantness completely.


"The ignorance with which the fool is obstructed, the craving with which he is conjoined, through which this body results:

That ignorance has not been abandoned by the fool; that craving has not been destroyed.

Why is that?

The fool has NOT practiced the holy life for the right ending of stress.

Therefore, at the break-up of the body, he is headed for a [new] body.

Headed for a body, he is not entirely freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair.

I tell you, he is NOT entirely freed from stress & suffering. - SN 12.19

- The Buddha, Samyutta Nikaya 12:19 .


"I seek after nothing;

For what is the use of seeking anything when I have everything within myself?

The Fool, however, always make a religion of money.

Thinking nothing of others or of the means by which to obtain that money."

- Venerable Ajahn Mun.


"Riches destroys the Foolish,

But NOT those who seek the other shore ( i.e. Nibbana ).

By his craving for riches,

The fool destroys himself as he would destroy others."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 355



"For the person who is perturbed by evil thoughts;

Who is exceedingly lustful, greedy, covetous;

Who contemplates pleasant, pleasurable things,

Craving increases more and more.

Surely, he makes the bond of Mara - The Evil One, stronger."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 349.


"People beset with craving are terrified like a hare caught in a snare;

Held fast by fetter and bonds,

They undergo dukkha ( round of rebirths ) again and again for a long time."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 342



"The man who gathers flowers ( of sensual pleasure ),

Whose mind is entangled,

Death carries him off

As a great flood sweeps away a sleeping village."

- The Budddha, Dhammapada verse 47.


"The Fool, on account of false views,

Scorns the Teachings of The Arahants, The Buddha, The Noble Ones, and The Righteous,

Produces fruits like the bamboo,

Only for self-destruction."

- THe Buddha, Dhammapada verse 164.


"That deed is not well done,

When, after having done it,

One regrets,

And when weeping, with tearful face,

One reaps the fruit thereof."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 67.


"So, when a fool does wrong deeds,

He does not realise their evil nature;

By his own deeds the fool is tormented,

Like one burnt by fire."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 136.


"The skill of a fool can only harm him;

It destroys his merit and his wisdom ( lit. it severes his head )."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 72