There are many ways to answer this question, but I'm going to narrow it down to 2 :
It all depends on how a person define the word 'God'.
1) If 'God' implies a Supreme Being/Creator, then my answer is, "Nah, I believe in myself."
2) If "God' means 'Good Old Dhamma (Truth)', then my reply is, "Oh yes! Definitely!"
"By self do you censure yourself ;
By self do you examine yourself ;
Self, indeed, is the protector of self.
Self, indeed, is one's refuge.
Control, therefore, your own self.
As a merchant controls the noble steed."
- The Buddha
"By oneself is evil done,
By oneself is one defiled.
By oneself is evil left undone,
By oneself is one purified.
Purity and Impurity depends on oneself.
No one can purify (or impurify) another."
- The Buddha
"Therefore, Ananda, each of you should remain with your self as an island, your self as your refuge, without anything else as a refuge.
Remain with the Dhamma as an island, the Dhamma as your refuge, without anything else as a refuge."
- The Buddha, Samyutta Nikaya XLVII.13
"Thus, unlike a religion where trust involves the belief that the deity will provide for one's salvation - either through grace or as a reward for unquestioning obedience,
Trust in the Buddha and belief in His Teachings means that one's salvation is ultimately one's own responsibility."
- Thanissaro Bhikkhu
"There is no power greater than the results of our own actions."
- Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
"Man himself is responsible for his own happiness and misery.
He creates his own heaven and hell.
He is Master of his own destiny; child of his past, and parent of his future."
- Sayadaw U Thittila
"Beings knowing wrong as wrong and what is right as right, embrace
(right) views and go to a blissful state."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 319
"The gift of Dhamma excels ALL other gifts."
- The Buddha
"Dhamma gives the world nothing but support and protection."
- Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
"Dhamma is what will make this world an oasis of Goodness."
"Dhamma represents The Truth.
If we relinquish all that is false and hold only to that which is true,
Then both the people in our society and the monks (and nuns) who uphold the sasana (the Dhamma - The Teachings of The Buddha)
Will live in peace."
- Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
And the sun, and the moon will be,
And may the people follow the path of the Dhamma,
For if one follows the path,
Happiness in this and in the other world will be attained."
- King Asoka .
"The opportunity to listen to the Dhamma is considered valuable both because it is rare and because it yields great benefits.
Hard is the chance to hear the True Dhamma."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 182
Which 5?
- One hears what one has not heard before.
- One clarifies what one has heard before.
- One gets rid of doubt.
- One's views are made straight.
- One's mind grows serene.
These are the 5 rewards in listening to the Dhamma."
- The Buddha, Anguttara Nikaya verse 202
"To obtain these benefits, one must come to the Dhamma both with the Right kammic background and with the Right attitude."
- The Buddha