Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Mynah and her nestling

The Mynah and her nestling

Look around you ...... do you see any mynahs?

If you do, observe if there's one tagging behind or around another, with its mouth open, calling away.

If you do get a chance to see this, keep observing.

More or less, you'll come to realise that the one that's calling is probably a fully grown nestling and it's calling cos' it wants its mother to continue to feed it - that's why its mouth is open, calling away.

Now observe the mother. What is she doing?

Tendency is the mother is pecking away and ignoring, or rather, seems to be ignoring, her nestling.

Now ask yourself : What can we learn here?

To an on-looker, it may seem that the mynah is harsh and unfeeling towards her nestling, that she doesn't love or take care of her child.

But is this Truth?

In Reality, what the mother myna is displaying is the greatest form of love.

She's pecking on the floor to demonstrate to the baby how to find food and feed on its own.

Heartbreaking as it is for her, she knows she has to 'ignore' her child.

Imagine, if the mynah were to continue to feed the nestling, what's going to happen?

The nestling will never learn how to find food on its own, will never 'grow up', and will forever be dependent on its mother.

Now, what if the mother dies, which the mother will, one day.

What's going to happen to the baby mynah then?

Who's going to feed it if it doesn't know how to find food on its own and feed itself?

In 'What is, What it's not', I wrote that love and education plays a very important part in many aspects of our lives, including Parenting.

If you think about it, as a parent, you ARE giving love and education to your kids.

Ask yourself, what kind of love and education am I giving (to them)?

If you are always imposing your views and opinions on your kinds, controlling them, telling them 'must do this, cannot do that' (eg. must score A's', cannot score B's', must be rich, cannot be poor or average) etc, and inculcating in them that all that matters in Life is money, status, power, being first, and all the physical material stuff, with no emphasis on Morals and Values/Virtues, and always pampering them by doing things for them, and spoiling them when you should be disciplining them,

Be Careful.

It may seem like you're 'loving' your kids; in Reality, you are destroying them.

Take the following example :

1st sibling to 2nd sibling, "Your mother ........."

2nd sibling to 3rd sibling, "Your mother ........."

3rd sibling scratched the head and wonder, "Isn't my mother their mother also?"

So parents, if you do not want/wish the above to happen to you, do examine how you are parenting (ie loving & educating) your kids.

"We are the results of what we were,

And we will be the results of what we are."

"When a relationship is valued and measured by dollars and cents, it's no longer a relationship; It has become a business transaction."