I remembered there was once my students and I were talking about being happy.
I suggested that they put a mirror in front of them, on their desks, so that whenever they look at themselves, they'll smile and be happy.
I also mentioned that perhaps they can get the kind of mirrors that changes the shape of the face, and when they see a funny face staring back at them, they'll laugh and it'll make them happy.
One of the students commented that if she wants to get a mirror, she'll get a mirror that makes her look pretty.
When I reached home that night, I thought about it.
Actually, it's very easy to look pretty.
All that one needs to do is smile.
Think about it : All the beauty contestants, celebrities, SQ girls, politicians etc, all smile when they pose for the cameras, or when the cameras zoom in on them.
To look good, pretty, handsome and appealing.
Have you ever seen a grouchy, angry, jealous looking politician or beauty contestant?
No, right?
Because anger makes a person look ugly,
Jealousy makes a person look sour, and
Hatred makes a person look bitter.
When I mentioned it to the students again the following week, the same student said that that's because it's all fake - the beauty contestants, politicians etc are all faking it.
Well, maybe .........
But even if it's fake, they're still getting the votes, aren't they?
People are still blinded by those smiles, and deluded enough to vote for them.
So smiling does work.
Now, let's consider the opposite : Ugly.
I think what really makes a person ugly is not so much the looks, but the behaviour.
A person can be very well-dressed, made-up and all, but when they start pushing and shoving and rushing, it makes their make-up look like mud.
Likewise, a person can look very humble and peaceful.
They may even speak in soft gentle tones, with speech of love, kindness, peace and non-violence.
But when you see through their lies and deception and their disguises, and realise how much anger, hate, jealousy and greed they actually have within them,
You'll find that suddenly they look very ugly.
It's similar as tasting something so sweet so sweet that it ends up tasting sour, or leaving a bitter after-taste.
Cos Miss/Mr Nice Guy may actually be the real devil/Mara in disguise.
So you see, it's very easy to be ugly.
All you need to do is to jump queue, push and shove, lie and cheat, bear grudges, and be selfish and greedy.
But if you want to look good and beautiful,
Then you better start smiling, and be Happy, Giving, Loving, Caring and Kind.
And genuinely, that is.
And where do we start?
We start from the beginning - as a baby.
So parents, if you want your children to grow up looking cute and beautiful, make sure you discipline them and teach them morality.
Cos' ill-disciplined, spoilt and wailing babies are definitely going to grow up looking VERY ugly.
"A beautiful thought and word which is not followed by corresponding action is like a bright flower that has no scent and will bear no fruits."
- The Buddha
"There are the scents of sandalwood, tagara, lotus and jasmine;
But the scent of virtue surpasses ALL scents."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 55
"Not by fine talk, nor good looks is one considered good-hearted,
If he/she were jealous, selfish and deceitful."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 262
"If, an individual, while NOT being a holy, perfected saint, were to claim to be a saint,
He is a cheat of the whole universe, including the world of the Brahmas.
Indeed, he is the worst of outcast.
Such person are indeed characterised as outcast.
Let me tell you, they are The WORST Outcast."
- The Buddha, The Vasala Sutta ( The Discourse on Outcast)