1) I teach Yoga.
And as all of you would probably know by now, that I've been dropping classes.
Conventionally, I call the regular participants, my students.
In Truth / Reality, they're Not Mine.
Cos' they go for other classes, too.
And when I leave, other instructors would come along, or they would go to other instructors.
So how can I say they're 'Mine'?
2) My family : When they die, if they're reborn in the human realm, they'll be somebody else's child, sibling. And when they grow up, somebody else's parents / relatives etc.
So how can I say they're 'Mine'?
3) My so-called possessions : clothes, money etc.
When I die, they'll go to my family, or hopefully, donated away.
So how can I say they're 'Mine'? They'll belong to my family, or whichever charity, temple etc.
4) This body / form : When I die, it'll be disintegrated to the 4 elements : Earth, Wind, Fire and Water.
At the base level : atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, electrons, cations, anions.
So how can I say it's 'Mine'?
Therefore, "Not Me, Not Mine, Not I, Not Self ( Non-Self ). Anatta!"
Exist Nowhere
Just a light in the dark."
"Ignorance is in the attaching / holding.
No ignorance (Wisdom) is in the letting go."
"Dhamma is for the reclusive;
Not for the entangled."
- The Buddha
"When nothing is mine, how can anyone take anything away from me?"
- The Buddha
"When there's nothing to own, there's no having or losing.
And when that's the case, where will there be any suffering?"
- Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo
"From endearment, affection and attachment springs grief,
From endearment, affection and attachment springs fear;
For him who is wholly free from endearment, affection and attachment,
There is no grief, much less fear."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 212-214