About 5-10 years ago, while I was nursing myself back to health, I would take walks in the park.
During one of those walks, I had an insight - Heaven and Hell.
It was a simple but powerful insight.
And a timely one, too.
Cos' during that time, a very good friend of mine had a relationship issue, and every night, my friend would call me, crying and sobbing away.
So that night, when my friend called me, I decided to share my insight with my friend, to encourage my friend.
Mid-way through our conversation, when my friend paused for a few sobs, I asked my friend,
"What do you think Hell is like?"
My friend was stumped by my question.
"Terrible, awful ........" came the halting reply.
"Miserable, sad, suffering, lots of sorrows and tears, right?" I asked my friend once more.
"Yes ........", my friend was bewildered :
What was I up to? Why am I asking such questions? Where is the relevance?
Any by now, the sobs have stopped.
"You know what?! You're in Hell right now ........ Welcome to Hell !" I said cheekily to my friend.
My friend screamed at me, "M ........!" and laughed.
That was the first time in so many weeks I heard my friend laugh.
I do not know if my friend understand the insight.
But at least my friend seemed much better after that.
And I'm happy for my friend.
What is Heaven? What is or Hell?
When you live your life in pain, anger, hate, fear, suspicion, misery, jealousy, sadness, tension, stress, worries, and all the other negativity,
You are in Hell.When you live your life with joy, happiness, peace, calm, contentment, love, kindness and all the other positivity,
You are in Heaven.
Do you want to live your life in Heaven, or in Hell?
You decide.
"Why live your live in tears and sorrows, when you can live it in laughter and joy?"
"Heaven is a place on Earth."
- Belinda Carlise
(Unfortunately, so is Hell. Heaven or Hell, it's all in the mind - YOUR mind.)
"Suffering is what we create out of ignorance;
And, Happiness is what we create out of Wisdom."
"The wise man makes his own heaven while the foolish man creates his own hell here and hereafter."
- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda
"All phenomenon depends on the mind.
A Hell realm, or Heavenly Palace?
Ultimately, they are all the same."