Double Standard
One day, a disciple, after observing The Buddha for a period of time,
Came to see The Buddha, complaining and questioning The Buddha's mode of practice and teaching style,
Saying He's unfair, practising double standard, using different treatment for different people,
That The Buddha is inconsistent, biased and showing favouritism;
That He does not deserved to be known as The Supreme Teacher (sasada) of the world or "Purisadamma-sarathi sattha - The Expert in the training of men.
Calmly, and in a quiet and composed manner, The Buddha asked the person,
"Do you have any children?"
The person replied, "Yes, I have a son."
Gently, The Buddha continued,
"When you see your child playing with fire, what do you do?"
"I'll scold my child, and warn him of the dangers of playing with fire. If need be, I'll beat him even," came the unhesitating reply.
Nodding his head, The Buddha asked again,
"If you see your child studying hard for the exams or behaving well, what would you do? Would you praise your child, or would you scold your child?"
"Of course I'll praise my child," said the disciple.
"Good!" said The Buddha, "So, if someone is already in darkness, would you still continue to encourage the person?"
"No ......... " came the halting reply.
"And if you see a person already practising well, would you discourage the person?" The Buddha continued.
"No, of course not!"
To that, The Wise Teacher replied,
"I rest my case."
"If the person is going to the left, ask them to go to the right;
If the person is going to the right, ask them to go to the left.
So, is it left or right?
"One person may feel itch, another may feel pain.
The one feeling the itch may not feel or experience pain;
And, the one feeling the pain may not feel or experience itch.
So are they both wrong or right?
They're BOTH right."
"No 2 headaches are alike."