1) Why do I suffer?
2) Why is there birth?
(Hint : and it's not because a Supreme Creator/Being 'create' us out of his baking factory. The answer is very simple. Very basic.)
3) Why do I die? (or, Why is there death?)
If you can answer the above totally, fully, honestly and truthfully, you'll have all the answers of Life, to Life.
P.S. ... And a bonus question : "How do I stop all 3?"
Happy investigating !
Enjoy !

"Nibbana is the highest bliss!"
- The Buddha .
"It's only through, and by letting go can we then gain release.
Full Release." . .
"With steadfast mind, applying themselves thoroughly in the Dispensation of Gotama,
Exempt from passion, they have attained to that which should be attained.
And plunging into the Deathless, they enjoy the peace obtained without price.
Truly, in the Sangha is this precious jewel,
By this Truth, may there be Happiness!"
- The Buddha, The Ratana Sutta.
"Why control? Why resist?
Why not let go, surrender, and be at peace."
"......... the meaning of Dhamma, which is the Truth that is within yourself ......... is well within each and every person's capability."
- Venerable Ajahn Mun
"Examine your own heart.
Understand your own mind."
"Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today,
For tomorrow may not come."
"Increased Mindfulness gives Concentration;
Increased Concentration gives Wisdom;
AND, Increased Wisdom gives Freedom from the cycle of Samsara."
"It's only through suffering can you then end suffering."
- Ajahn Chah
"Amidst the harshness ( of life ), We learn."