Sunday, October 4, 2009



When we talk about celebration, we usually talk about the so-called happy occasions - birthdays, weddings, promotions, winning something etc etc etc.

Hardly anyone would talk about celebrating death.

Imagine the following :

1) "The doctor said you'll be dying? Oh, that's nice! How are you going to celebrate it?"


2) "Your folk just passed away? Congratulations! How are you and your family going to celebrate it?"

Anyway, increasingly however, I noticed a change in the way funerals are held - no longer is it sad and gloomy -

Instead, there will be bands to play 'Pop' music, and even opera performances to entertain, I believe, not just the deceased, but more so the guests and neighbours,

And not forgetting the delicious food catered for the hungry ghosts ... oops! er ... guests, I mean, and probably the deceased, as well.

I think that's kind of nice ........ although a bit excessive, showy and a total waste of money cos' the money could have been put to better use.

The celebration could be done in a simpler manner, and the money spent/used for all the extravagance can be donated to the needy/charity, and in the process, benefit the departed loved ones and those living as well.

Don't you think?

(Read 'Reflect On It' : No. 4 - Dead & Gone; Alive & Ignored - ,

Why Oh Why : No.3 - Why Burn - )

But I agree that Death should be celebrated.

One thing I know for myself is that when I die,

1) The body : No need to make-up or drain - let it rot, smell and decompose as it is; with the maggots festering and crawling all over it - so that people can see The Truth of the body - that it is ugly, dirty, smelly and filthy.

Thereafter, dispose of it as deemed appropriate, so that it can return to where it truly belongs, where it actually/originally came from : Earth, Wind, Fire and Water.

2) The funeral :

i) As simple and as low cost as possible. I'm not rich, you know. I'm very poor.

ii) Just a normal coffin will do - nothing fanciful. I'm a simple person.

iii) If possible, invite some good monastics to give Dhamma talks - they'll ensure that everyone returns home, happily enlightened.

iv) No tears to be shed. Should there be any tears at all, it'll be tears of laughter, of joy, of happiness, and not of sadness or grief.

v) Throughout the ?days, everyone will be laughing and smiling.

Happiness abound.

In other words, Celebrate! Have fun! Enjoy! Pop the water bottles and cheer.

No alcohol please. Precept No 5 : No intoxicants.

And no mahjong, card games of any kind, or any form of gambling that will bring disturbance to the neighbourhood. In short, no vices.

vi) Dhamma books, and if possible, a publication copy of this whole blog from beginning to the end to be given free-of-charge (read : Priceless) to all guests and on-lookers.

vii) AND, please avoid burning anything (i.e. incense papers, houses etc) to me cos' I know I will NOT receive it.

It's a total waste of time, money, energy, and effort; and is harmful and pollutes the environment and hurts the health of everyone attending the celebration.

Did I tell you I'm allergic to smoke?

Besides, have you ever consider or think about what are the benefits and/or wisdom of burning?

Real benefits / wisdom, I mean.

If there are none, but leads to only more delusion and foolishness, which is what it really does, then please abandon the practice.

viii) Also, no bands or opera or 'getai' etc - performance of any kind - it's noisy, loud and so uncouth.

It disturbs the neighbours and the peace of the surrounding environment.

I'm a considerate person, and such activities are just so 'not me'.

Besides, I have to bear with loud noises when I was alive; surely you can let me die in a peaceful, serene, soft, gentle and refine manner, which is more appropriate and more 'me'?

Have you heard of noise pollution?

ix) I noticed that the bands would play for a long time before the coffin gets loaded up.

If I'm the fella, I'll probably be getting impatient.

For goodness' sake, I spend my whole life waiting, and now that I'm dead, you still want me to wait?!!

I don't know about you, all that I know is, I don't need all this 'drama-drama' and unnecessary procession.

Now that I'm dead, I want to leave as fast as possible.

And that's how I'll celebrate my death.

How about you? How will you celebrate yours?

"When they are seen and heard,

People are called by this name or that,

But only the name remains to be pointed to

When they are dead."

- The Buddha, Sutta Nipata IV.6

"Death is no cause for sorrow, but it would be sorrow if one dies without having done something for oneself and for the world."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda

"Through many a birth in samsara have I wandered in vain,

Seeking the builder of this house (of life).

Repeated birth is indeed suffering!

O house-builder, you are seen!

You shall NOT build this house EVER again.

For thy rafters are broken

Thy ridge pole shattered.

My mind has reached the Unconditioned;

I have attained

The destruction of Craving."

- The Buddha

"As a man, I was born.

As a man, I shall live.

As a Buddha, I shall die;

But as a Buddha, I shall NEVER be reborn ever again."

- The Buddha

"The task is done,

The journey completes;

There is nothing further for this world."

"Mistakes, I have made;

Regrets - NONE."


Exist/belong Nowhere

Just a light in the dark."
