Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Vasala Sutta (The Discourse of Outcastes)

The Vasala Sutta (The Discourse of Outcastes)

On one occasion, the Supreme Buddha entered the city of Savatthi for alms.

At that time, a Brahmin happened to be kindling a fire for a ritual offering.

When the Brahmin saw the Buddha, he felt uneasy and spoke to Him harshly, saying,

"Stay there ! O shaveling ! Stop there, O miserable monk ! Stay there, O wretched outcaste !"

Unperturbed, the Buddha asked the Brahmin,

"O Brahmin, do you know who an outcaste is ? Or, do you know what makes one an outcaste ?"

No, I don't," replied the Brahmin, "Would Venerable Gotama be good enough to tell me ?"

And that's when The Buddha, the Great Teacher, gave Brahmin Aggika Bharadvaja, The Discourse on Outcastes.

1) "If a person tends to get angry and habours hatred, if a person growls and grumbles, if one is vicious, if one's views are awry, and if one is deceitful,

Know such a person as an outcaste.

2) If a person hurts a living being; if, in a person, there is no love or sympathy for living beings,

Know such a person as an outcaste.

3) If a person is given to destroying, if one besieges villages and market-towns, intimidating those who live there, attacking innocent people, if one earns a notoriety as a terrorist/oppressor,

Know such a person as an outcaste.

4) Whether in the village or in a forest, if someone steals what belongs to others, or if one takes what is not given -

Know him to be an outcaste.

5) If a person were to take a loan, but were to evade when asked to repay, saying, "I am not indebted to you," -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

6) If a person needing some little thing kills a man walking along a road, and takes some trivial thing -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

7) If an individual, when asked to give evidence, utters lies either for his own sake, or for the sake of another, or for the sake of money -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

8) If a person, whether by force, or by mutual consent, is seen among the wives of relatives or of friends (ie. Has extra-marital affairs / sexual misconduct) -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

9) If a person while being rich, possessing considerable wealth, does not look after one's aged Mother or Father who is decrepit and whose youth is gone -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

10) If a person were to strike physically, or by harsh speech, one's mother, father, brother, sister or one's parents-in-law -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

11) If an individual were to give veiled advice to a person to do harm when that person seeks advice about moral virtues -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

12) If an individual, having done a wrong deed, desires not to be known as the doer of that crime, denying committing the evil deeds, and is secretive in/of his actions -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

13) If a person, who had partaken of delicious food at another's house, does not treat that other person well when he comes to his house -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

14) If a person were to deceive by uttering lies, a brahman, an ascetic or any other wandering monk -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

15) If a person were to scold a brahmin, or an ascetic who comes when meal-time is at hand, and does not give him alms -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

16) If a person, shrouded in ignorance and desiring trivial profits, speaks untruths -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

17) If an individual while praising one's own self, were to denigrate others, being of a lowly mind because of undue pride -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

18) If a person is angry, miserly, given to evil desires, selfish, deceitful, avaricious, sly, shameless, unafraid to do wrong -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

19) If a person were to denounce the Buddha or his (Noble) disciples, or a wandering ascetic or a (Noble) householder -

Know such a person to be an outcaste.

20) If, an individual, while not being holy, or perfected saint, were to claim to be a saint (Noble One), he is a cheat of the whole universe, including the world of the Brahmas.

Indeed he is the worst of outcastes.

Such persons are indeed characterised as outcastes.

Let me tell you, they are the worst outcastes.

One does not become an outcaste by birth.

One does not become a brahmin by birth.

One becomes an outcaste due to deeds.

One becomes a brahman due to deeds.

Know that by this example I will give you.

Sopaka, the son of an outcaste, became famous as Matanga.

He attained the highest glory that is rare to come by.

Khattiyas (Royal Warriors) and many brahmins attended upon him.

Ascending the celestial chariot,

Discarding desire and passion, he took The Noble path of passionlessness and was gone to the world of the Brahmas.

His birth did not prove an obstacle to be born in the world of the Brahmas.

Even those privileged Brahmins, born into the clans of brahmanic scholars, in whose blood the sacred texts run, are frequently seen doing evil.

They are found fault with, in this birth itself.

After death, they are born in woeful states.

Birth cannot protect them from being born in woeful states or from being blamed.

(So let me tell you)

One does not become an outcaste by birth.

One does not become a brahmin by birth.

One becomes an outcaste by/due to deeds.

One becomes a brahmin by/due to deeds."