Sunday, July 18, 2010

Downfall of Families

Downfall of Families

"Headman, recollecting back over 91 aeons, I do NOT know any family to have been brought to downfall through the giving of cooked alms.

On the contrary:

Whatever families are rich — with much wealth, many possessions, a great deal of money, a great many accoutrements of wealth, a great many commodities

ALL have become so from Giving, from Truth, from Restraint.

"Headman, there are Eight causes, Eight reasons for the downfall of families.

Families go to their downfall because of kings,

Or families go to their downfall because of thieves,

Or families go to their downfall because of fire,

Or families go to their downfall because of floods,

Or their stored-up treasure disappears,

Or their mismanaged undertakings go wrong,

OR, in the family a wastrel is born who squanders, scatters, & shatters its wealth,

And, inconstancy itself is the eighth.

These are the Eight causes, the Eight reasons for the downfall of families.

Now, when these eight causes, these eight reasons are to be found,

If anyone should say of me,

'The Blessed One is practicing for the ruin of families, The Blessed One is practicing for the demise of families, The Blessed One is practicing for the downfall of families'

Without abandoning that statement, without abandoning that intent, without relinquishing that view

Then as if he were to be carried off, he would thus be placed in Hell."

- SN 42.9: Kula Sutta — Families

- The Buddha, Samyutta Nikaya 42:9

"In this world, whatever gift or alms a person seeking merit should offer for a year,

All that is NOT worth a single quarter of the reverence towards

The Upright ( i.e. The Noble Sangha - The Noble Ones - Those who have attained at least Sotapanna/Stream Entry )

Which is excellent."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 108

"For one who is in the habit of constantly honouring and respecting the Elders ( i.e. The Arahants ),

4 blessings increase - Age, Beauty, Bliss and Strength."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 109