Mara's daughters Try to Seduce/Entice The Buddha
After The Buddha conquered Mara,
Mara felt despondent and sad over his utter defeat.
Seeing their father's dejection,
Mara's 3 daughters - Tanha (Craving), Arati (Aversion), and Raga (Passion/Lust),
Decide to tempt The Buddha through the lure of feminity.
As an act of revenge, they want and hope to bound The Buddha in the snares of passion and lust.
"We are womenfolk. We know men - Men are ALL Lustful.
All men go weak at the sight of women.
We shall assume different disguises cos menfolk have different tastes :
Some love young and tender females, others like women in the first phase of life.
Still others prefer those of middle phase.
Lets assume these various ages and allure this recluse."
As such, each of them create 100 ladies -
All beautiful and seductive.
Approaching The Buddha,
They said enticingly,
"Venerable Recluse, permit us to attend on you - sitting at your feet, satisfying all your needs."
Undettered, The Buddha remained unmoved and continued to be absorbed in His meditation without opening his eyes or casting them even a glance.
The 3 daughters tried relentlessly over and over again.
Finally, coming out from His meditation,
The Buddha told them,
"Go away dieties.
Of what benefit to you that you try to tempt me thus?
Such a thing should be done to those who are NOT freed yet -
From passion, hate and delusion.
As for me, I have absolutely done away with passion, done away with hate and delusion.
Having overcome passion, I have NOTHING to conquer again.
No defilement that has been conquered follows The Buddha.
The Buddha is devoid of craving -
Which like a net, would ensnare one back to existence;
Which like a venomous, poisonous glue clings and sticks onto things.
For The Buddha who has destroyed craving,
For the trackless Buddha of infinite range,
By which way will you trace Him?"
Hearing that, the 3 daughters of Mara realised that they can't entice The Buddha;
And like their father, Mara,
Dejected, they left the scene.
So, do you want to be like The Buddha i.e. free,
Or do you want to be stuck/trapped and glued in a venomous pit?
* * * Read
1) 'One is Enough' -
2) 'Isn't She Lovely?' -
3) 'How Foolish Can We Get Part 2 : The Trap' -
4) 'Complain Complain' -
"As the creeper strangles the sal tree,
So also, a really immoral person overwhelmed by craving does to himself
Just what his enemy wishes him to suffer."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 162
"From lust springs grief,
From lust springs fear,
For him who is wholly free from lust,
There is NO grief,
Much less fear."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 215
"There is NO fire like lust,
No grip like hate,
No Net like delusion,
No river like craving."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 251
"A man who gives way to pleasure will be swept away by craving
And his thoughts will make him suffer,
Like waves."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 339
"A man's joys are always transient,
And since men devote themselves to pleasure,
Seeking after happiness,
They undergo birth and decay."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 341
"The craving of the person addicted to careless living,
Grows like a creeper.
He jumps from life to life
Like a monkey in the forest looking for fruit."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 334
"People beset with craving are terrified like a hare caught in a snare.
Therefore a bhikkhu who wishes his own passionlessness (Nibbana)
Should eradicate craving."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 343
"He whose mind is NOT soaked by lust,
He who is NOT affected by hatred,
He who has transcended both good and evil -
For such a vigilant one,
There is NO fear."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 39
"He who has reached the goal,
Is fearless,
Is without craving,
Is passionless,
Has cut off the thorns of life;
This, is his final body."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 351
"For him who has completed the journey,
For him who is sorrowless,
For him who from everything is wholly free,
For him who has destroyed ALL Ties,
The fever of passion exists NOT."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 90
"Whose conquest of passion is NOT turned into defeat,
Not conquered passion of his in this world follows him.
That trackless Buddha of infinite range,
By which way will you trace Him?
Him in whom there is NOT that entangling, embroiling craving to lead to any life,
Him the trackless Buddha of infinite range -
By which way will you trace Him?"
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 179/180