Who is Mara?
Mara is disguise , disturb, deceive, distort, distract, deter, delude so as to destroy.
Mara is a temptress; personification of evil.
Mara is NOT the lawful ruler of any deva world.
Mara is just like an ambitious rebel leader with many followers in the human world e.g. an underworld leader, a druglord, a mastermind of evil, etc.
Mara in Reality is just an inhabitant in the deva world, who happen to have some power,
But who thinks himself / herself so great,
That he/she is above/greater than The Buddha, The Dhamma , and Kamma.
Mara is just a being who's jealous of The Buddha,
Wants to be like The Buddha,
BUT Can't, and will NEVER be cos Mara lacks the calibre.
Just as The Buddha is the personification of Truth and Purity,
Helping beings to do good and earn merits for their present and future benefit and welfare,
Mara is the personification of evil, tempting and encouraging beings to do evil, engage in unwholesome, unrighteous, unskillful ways,
And dissuading them from doing good so as to destroy them and cause their long-term downfall and suffering.
Just as The Buddha is Light, Mara is Darkness whose heart is Totally BLACK.
While The Buddha and His Noble Disciples help to free beings and bring Peace and Bliss to the world,
Mara, together with the evil devas under him/her, bound beings and prevent/stop them from doing meritorious deeds, and instead,
Wreak havoc to the world.
While The Buddha is a Cultivator of Truth and Purity,
Mara is a cultivator of ALL things evil : Anger, Lust, Greed, Delusion, Conceit and Wrong/False Views.
As The Buddha Himself said,
"This wicked Mara is not at all aware that he himself has become a servant of mine :
Having been born in the Vasavatti Deva world just because of the few act of merit,
But having not the slightest knowledge about his own life span, the time of his death, and the realm of suffering which he is destined after his death,
He is thinking of himself :
'I am permanent. I am the only one who rules over the whole world.'
He does not reflect nor is he aware of his own plight and of the hazard of falling into the state of woes.
Due to such ignorance (i.e. foolishness),
He dares commit such wrongs."
The next time you're egoistic, haughty, conceited, wants control and is unashame of your wrong doing, know that Mara is 'in' you.
Each time you're vain, lazy, indulging in sensual pleasures, engaging in idle chatter, false speech, act and pretend etc, that's a sign of Mara.
Whenever you're lustful, greedy, discontent, selfish and stingy, that's Mara inside of you.
Everytime you're jealous, resentful, have anger, enmity, ill-will and hate in your heart, speaking in harsh angry tones, know that Mara is present.
If you hurt, harm, kill and/or destroy through your thoughts, speech and actions,
Perform unskillful, unwholesome, unrighteous deeds,
Engaging in wrongful views and practices and encouraging others to do likewise,
So bearing in mind ALL of the above,
Guard yourselves well,
If you do NOT want to be slave to Mara.
* * * Read 'Because' - A blog dedicated to All Maras in the world. - http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2010/02/because.html
"Whoever lives contemplating pleasant things,
With senses UNrestrained,
In food immoderate,
Indolent, inactive,
Him verily Mara overthrows,
As the wind overthrows a weak tree."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 7
"For the person who is perturbed by evil thoughts,
Who is exceedingly lustful, greedy, covetous,
Who contemplates pleasant things,
Craving increases more and more.
Surely, he makes the bond of Mara - the evil one, stronger."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 349
"He who delights in subdueing evil thoughts,
Who meditates on the loathsomeness of the body.
Who is ever mindful -
It is HE who will make an end of craving.
He will sever Mara's bond."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 350
"Self-conquest is, indeed, far greater than the conquest of all other folk;
Neither a god nor a ghandhabba nor Mara, nor Brahma,
Can win back the victory of such a person who is self-subdued
And ever lives in restraint."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 104-105
"Therefore, I say to you :
Greetings to you all who have assembled here!
Dig up the root of craving just as one who wishes to have the fragrant root digs up the birana grass.
Don't let Mara destroy you again and again,
As the flood destroys the reed."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 337
"You yourselves should make the effort;
The Tathagatas are only Teachers.
Those who enter this Path and who are meditative,
Are delivered from the bonds of Mara."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 276
"THIS is the ONLY Way.
There is NONE other for the PURITY of vision.
If you follow this path;
This is the bewilderment of Mara."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 274