Monday, February 7, 2011

Liar Liar

Liar Liar

As he was sitting to one side,

King Pasenadi of Kosala said to The Blessed One:

"Just now, Lord, as I was sitting in judgement,

I saw that even affluent nobles, affluent brahmans, & affluent householders

Rich, with great wealth & property,

With vast amounts of gold & silver, vast amounts of valuables & commodities, vast amounts of wealth & grain —

Tell deliberate lies with sensual pleasures as the cause, sensual pleasures as the reason,

Simply for the sake of sensual pleasures.

Then, the thought occurred to me:

'I've had enough of this judging! Let some other fine fellow be known for his judgements!'"

"That's the way it is, great king!

That's the way it is!

Even affluent nobles, affluent brahmans, & affluent householders...

Tell deliberate lies ........ simply for the sake of sensual pleasures.

(And) That will lead to their long-term harm & pain."

That is what The Blessed One said.

Having said that,

The One Well-Gone, The Teacher, said further:

"Impassioned with sensual possessions,

Greedy, dazed by sensual pleasures,

They don't awaken to the fact

That they've gone too far —

Like fish into a trap set out.

Afterwards it's bitter for them:

Evil for them the result."

SN 3.7

- The Buddha, Samyutta Nikaya 3.7

"He who is stained with defilements

Without self-control and Truthfulness,

Is NOT worthy of wearing the yellow robes."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 9

"Not by a shower of gold coins does contentment arise in sensual pleasures.

Of little sweetness, And painful, are sensual pleasures.

Knowing this, the wise man finds no delight even in heavenly pleasures.

The disciple of The Fully Enlightened One delights in the destruction of craving."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 186-187

"Easy is the life of a man who is shameless,

Bold like a crow,

A fault finder, insolent, impudent and corrupt."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 244

"Bhikkhus! One who has abandoned the course of telling The Truth,

And pursued the course of telling lies.

Has Also forsaken the advantages of attainment of Nibbana

And rebirth in the worlds of deva and humans,

And as such, there is NO immoral act that these people,

Destined for the planes of woes,

Will NOT dare to perform."

- The Buddha, The Discourse given by The Buddha after Cincamanavika's false accusation.

* * * Read

1) 'The Future' -

2) 'Honesty and Courage' -

3) 'How Buddha Taught Part 3 : Rahula' -