We/The world seems to be progressing.
But in Reality, we're deteriorating.
No doubt we're progressing - physically, materially, superficially.
As a human/person however, we're 'degressing'.
(Read 'Love' http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2007/01/dose-of-wisdom_03.html
'The Society & Its System' - http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2008/04/society-and-its-system.html
'Competition & Consequences' - http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2007/06/competition-and-consequences.html )
As Ajahn Chah said, "You can look and see that however much material progress and development there is in the world, the confusion and suffering of humans increase right along with it."
To know whether we're progressing as a human, a spiritual being,
Or whether we're practising rightly in our meditation or religion/faith,
And, if this 'formula'/practice/path/religion/faith is right or wrong,
Do some self examination and ask yourselves the following :
1) Are we smiling, laughing more, happy/happier more? More independent, more 'free' (ie not bound).
Or, are we still bogged down by the stress, worries, hustles and bustles and concerns etc of the mundane world?
2) Have we become, or are we a better person - more loving and caring, more giving and forgiving, more helpful, patient and kind, more content, and simpler.
Or, are we getting angrier, pickier, greedier, more selfish, more impatient, more egoistic, more opinionated?
3) Do we let go -
i) Physically : Of our looks, appearance, hair, make-up etc.
ii) Mentally : Do we still hold on to grudges/arguments that happen 3000 years ago?
iii) Emotionally : Grievances - this person did this to me, took this away from me 50 years ago.
As The Buddha said, "In those who harbour such thoughts, 'He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me', Hatred is NOT appeased."
And as Ajahn Mun said, "You will never experience any peace of mind if you are always overcome by defilements".
If you're still unhappy etc, after all your practice,
Something is wrong, isn't it?
It goes to show we're not making much progress, are we?
We can go for all the (energy) healing, (religious) services, talks/seminars, retreats, read/chant all the sutras, sermons, scriptures, books etc that we want,
And that the whole world offers,
BUT if we do not make the effort and change our views, our mindsets, our thinking, our attitude, and be mindful and watch all our thoughts, speech and actions,
Everything (i.e. chanting, healing, religious services, retreats, meditation etc) that we've done, is and will come to nought. NOTHING (i.e. pointless).
As The Buddha puts it so aptly,
"However many holy words you read, However many holy words you speak; What good will they do you, if you do NOT act upon them."
You can fool others, even the whole world,
But you can't fool yourself.
You'll know - deep inside - whether you're still full of jealousy, resentment, anger, hate, harbour ill-will and enmity; whether you're happy.
Whether you've forgiven; whether you're at peace.
Whether you're angry; sad and lonely.
Whether you're unhappy.
You can act and pretend as if you're not,
But deep down inside, You know the truth yourself.
For outside is external, but inside is within. Internal.
So why put on airs, or wear a mask and pretend?
Cos in the final analysis, the battle is, and will always be, within, NOT with-out.
(Read 'The Search' http://maitre-light.blogspot.com/2007/02/search.html )
"The purpose of practising Dhamma is to reduce or remove suffering.
Such a practice should not heap more and more trouble upon oneself,
Which produces nothing but unprofitable suffering."
- Venerable Ajahn Mun
"A person governed by Dhamma is self-sufficient,
And is able to find peace and bliss in all circumstances.
There is nothing which can disturb and upset the mind which has been absolutely purified and which is unshakeable."
- Venerable Ajahn Mun
"In the end, if they aren't peaceful,
It shows that they can't be really that serious about the practice after all."
- Venerable Ajahn Chah
When the mind is Dhamma, it is bliss and peace itself."
- Venerable Ajahn Mun
"What's the use of having all the 'power' when you can't even be peaceful (or patient)?"
"Nowadays, some lay people practise meditation without studying the suttas and become presumptuous of their attainments.
Their pride increase while their attachments do NOT decrease.
If they are practising according to the Dhamma,
Their defilements and unwholesome qualities, including pride,
Should certainly NOT increase."
- Venerable Dhammavuddho Thero
"Wisdom divorced from Dhamma, however much it is developed, cannot be appreciated, honoured or trusted."
- Venerable Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
"There is one essential point that all good practice must eventually come to - NOT clinging.
If a system leads to relinquishment, to not clinging,
Then it is correct practice."
- Venerable Ajahn Chah
"Let go, let go, Let Go."
"Rahula, whatever action of body, speech and mind, done deliberately,
Which creates happiness for yourself, for other people and for other beings,
That is called good kamma (right).
Which helps, which serves, which creates greater peace, happiness, and harmony in this world,
That is called good kamma (right).
Whichever that creates more suffering, more pain, more disharmony, and more violence in this world;
Whatever that is,
That is bad kamma (wrong)."
- The Buddha