Sunday, June 24, 2007

Competition and Consequences - (Part 1) Competition

Competition and Consequences - (Part 1) Competition

We're told we live in a highly competitive society/world by people of authority - our parents, our teachers, our government, our bosses etc etc etc.

To compete, we have to move/act fast.
If not, we'll lose out and be last.

In the process, we live in a fast society/world where everything is fast.

We eat fast, we drink fast, we talk fast.

Even going in to the MRT is fast.

Not forgetting the speed at which some get their seats - super fast.

In the midst of all these 'fastness', we lose our temper fast, we lose our health fast, we lose our minds fast, we lose our morality and virtues fast.

And the result?

We also die fast.

Don't get me wrong.

Efficiency is one thing.

Being over efficient is another.

Moderation is the key.

Cos' with the fast pace comes the effects - ailments of not just the body, but worst, the mind.

I've heard of many stories of people who behaved in a mentally unsound way.

I've come across a few myself.

I'm sure you have, too.

They're not necessarily poor or uneducated.

As a matter of fact, most seems educated, speaks perfect crisp English, looks well-off and established.

To me, Aids, cancers, heart diseases etc are not the only illnesses we should be concerned about.

Mental illness and the prevalence of it is also something we should all be wary of cos' it's rising in an alarming rate.

In fact, it should take precedence over the rest.

All the stress and fast pace of the rat race of our modern world where inventions and decisions are made in a split second are producing factories of 'lunatics', so to speak.

Just a few examples :

Why do you think people get angry and hit their computers when their computers crash or break down?

Or, scold the traffic light when it turns red?

Temporary insanity, that's why.

People are tired.

Everyone is tired.

Tired from all the rushing about, from having to do things all the time, that there's no time to rest, to take a breather, or to appreciate the beauty of the little nature that's still around us, that grows alongside of us.

Everyone is mentally exhausted, drained, burnt-out, and therefore, 'insane'.

My question is, why do we have to 'fight' to be first?

Why don't, or can't we 'fight' to be last?

Or, better yet, to be in the middle?

Being fast is easy.

The world is moving fast enough as it is, p
erhaps we should have a competition to see who's the slowest, or who can sit still and do nothing for the longest time.

I'm sure the Meditating monks and nuns who truly practise the way will win this hands down.

Someone once suggested that we should have a soccer league of compassion : If the team wants the ball, you pass it to them.

If they can't score, you score it in your own net for them.

I think that that will be a really interesting soccer match to watch.

Notwithstanding the above, why even fight or compete at all in the first place?

Why go to wars with each other?

There is no victory in war.

The victors rejoice.

The defeated sulk and vow revenge.

Round and round the cycle goes, history repeating itself and never ends.

As the Buddha says,

"Victory breeds hatred.

The defeated live in pain.

Happily the peaceful live,

Giving up victory and defeat."

How nice it would be if everyone 'fights' to be loving and kind, to be gracious and compassionate, to be helpful and generous,

And not fight out of anger, hate, jealousy, grudges, greed, or because of history, or because the authorities or gurus say so.

Then this world will be a much happier and more peaceful place to live in.

Don't you think?

Then and only then will there peace on Earth and love for all sentient beings.

Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants, or is willing to change themselves.

We tend to only complain and look at other's faults/mistakes, but we fail to see our own.

If only we realise that to effect a change in the world, we have to change ourselves first.

Cos' everything begins with the (individual) mind, and therefore, will have to end with the (individual) mind.

There's actually and really no need for competition.

To have prosperity in any country, just follow the simple advice given by The Buddha below :

"When the ruler of a country is just and good, the ministers become just and good.

When the ministers are just and good, the higher officials become just and good.

When the higher officials are just and good, the rank and file becomes just and good.

When the rank and file become just and good, the people become just and good."

- The Buddha

"The ultimate source of all happiness and misery is the individual mind.

Individual happiness is conducive to the happiness of the society.

The happiness of the society means the happiness of the nation.

The happiness of nations leads to the happiness of the world."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda

"It is not that something is wrong with the world, but something is wrong with us."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda



"Have faith and things will come to you;

Not in excess, but just enough."



"Believe that there is plenty on the planet for everyone.

Avoid behaving like you have to grab everything in sight in case there is not enough, or none, left for you."



"Self conquest is better than world conquest, and renunciation of the world better than accumulation of all riches of the world."

- The Buddha