Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Food for Thought - Chew On it :

Food for Thought - Chew On it :

1) If there's a god/goddess, and if he/she is all merciful, kind and peace-loving, would he/she want any being to suffer, or to be sacrificed in his /her name, for him/her?

2) When we die, we rot in the soil.

When animals die, they rot in our stomachs.

3) Would you sacrifice your life so that others can eat/live?

Please learn to appreciate, be grateful and thankful to all beings who sacrifice their lives so that we can eat/live.

4) Regardless of who you are, what you are, how you are and where you are (i.e your name, reputation, social status and position) when you are alive,

Please know that when you die, you'll be NOTHING but fertilizer for the soil.