Sunday, June 1, 2008

Man and His Questions (Part 2) - God or Not?

Man and His Questions (Part 2) - God or Not?

There are 4 parts to the answer to the above question :

1) Got, so many until there are different realms for them.

2) To the god-believers, observe your minds when I say, "There's NO God."

To the 'no-god' believers, observe your minds when I say, "There is a God."

If a person's mind is fixed that there's a God/Creator, what use is there of anyone saying there isn't.

Would you accept?

And vice versa.

Besides, would you believe me?

Why should you believe me?

How do you know I'm telling the Truth?

What if I make a mistake?

Even if I'm telling the Truth, you may misunderstand me.

Or, for a person who's confused enough, you may end up being even more confused.

So, the best solution?

Go Meditate, Investigate and find out yourself, Avoid blindly believing others.

3) What difference does it make whether there's a God or not?

Does it make you more intelligent/wise?

Does it make you a better person?

Does it change you in any way?

Are you behaving well just because you feared there is a God and that He will punish you, and you will behave otherwise just because there isn't?

Is it really so important, necessary, whether there is a God or not?

( Read 'Man and His Questions - Part 1')

To me, what's important is what are we doing right here, right now, to make this world a better and more harmonious place for all sentient beings to live in, and what are we doing to our lives to make it more meaningful and beneficial for ourselves and others, such as become a better person,

A more loving husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter etc.

4) This question had been asked for so many years already - countless ages even.

Isn't it boring to ask the same question over and over and over again?

Don't you have better or more important things to do in Life, Your life, then to ask about The Origin of the Universe, is there a Creator God, The purpose of mosquitoes etc.

Some even fight and argue over it.

One side say their God is The One.

Another say theirs is The One.

The interesting thing is both are on opposite ends of the same spectrum.

No wonder President Lincoln said, "God can't be for and against the same thing at the same time."

( Read 'Why Fight?' )

Argue for so long.


So, the last part to the answer to the question, "God or Not?", is

"No point answering."

(and really, there's no point asking, too.)

"If the water in the rivers (such as the Ganges) could really wash away sins and suffering, then the turtles, crabs, fish and shellfish living in those sacred rivers ought by now to be freed of their sins and sufferings too.

And, if a man could eliminate suffering by making offerings, paying homage, and praying, there would be no one subject to suffering left in the world, because anyone at all can pay homage and pray.

But since people are still subject to suffering while in the very act of making obeisances, paying homage and performing rites, this is clearly not the way to gain liberation."

- The Buddha

"Suppose a man were to toss a yoke with a single hole in it.

A wind from the East would blow it West.

A wind from the West would blow it East.

A wind from the North would blow it South.

A wind from the South would blow it North.

And suppose a blind sea turtle, which come to the surface only once in every century.

Now, what do you think would be the chance of the blind sea turtle, which rise to the surface once every 100 years, come up with his neck right through the hole of the yoke?

That's how rare and precious human rebirth is.

( Treasure it )

- The Buddha

"Man himself is responsible for his own happiness and misery.

He creates his own heaven and hell.

He is master of his own destiny, child of his past, and parent of his future."

- Sayadaw U Thittila

"Truth does not depend on beliefs or opinions of any kind.

It is true according to immutable natural principles."

- Acariya Maha Boowa Nanasampanno