Monday, November 22, 2010

Being Humble

Being Humble

Seeing how cocky, egoistic, arrogant, conceited and haughty everyone has become nowadays,

And how modesty/humility is very much lacking in all of us -

Be it from young to old, or high to low,

I feel I would like to share with everyone something I read which left a very deep impression on me.

It's about a novice Arahant who at a tender age of 7 is Fully Enlightened with amazing supernatural abilities.

Yet his only wish is "May no one knows me."

In an age and time when everyone is fighting to be in power, to be in control, to be in the limelight;

Want to be in power, in control, in the limelight;

Seeking attention, power and control through different sources and means,

His words overwhelms me.

As such, I'm reproducing it here to share with everyone.




When I was seven

& newly gone forth,

Having conquered with my power

The great powerful serpent,

I was fetching water for my preceptor

From the great lake, Anotatta,

When The Teacher (i.e. The Buddha) saw me & said:

"Look, Sariputta, at that one,

The young boy coming there,

Carrying a pot of water,

Well-centered within,

His practices — inspiring;

His bearing — admirable.

He's Anuruddha's novice,

Mature in his powers,

Made thoroughbred by a thoroughbred,

Good by one who is good,

Tamed by Anuruddha,

Trained by one whose task

Is done.

He, having reached the highest peace (i.e. Nibbana)

& realized the unshakable,

Sumana the novice

Wants this:

'Don't let anyone know me.'" Thag 6.10

- Theragatha 6.10



* * * Note :

Of course there are people who are very good at pretending, acting humble,

When in Truth/Reality they're NOT. ( Read "Giving" - ).

There are also those who seems very nice on the outside,

When in Truth/Reality, they're the Real devil/Mara in disguise. ( Read "How To Be Ugly" - )

Either way, to these attention seekers and 'fakers',

All that I can say is,

"Please read 'The Actor'" -



"This Dhamma is for one who is modest,

NOT for one who is self-aggrandising."

- The Buddha, Anguttara Nikaya 8.30



"Everybody wants to be a somebody;

BUT Nobody wants to be a nobody."



"Avoid walking with your nose so high up that you do not know where you're going,

Or what you're stepping on (dung), or into (quick sand)."



"For those who are conceited and heedless,

The corruptions increase."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 292



"As a solid rock is unshaken by the wind,

Even so The Wise are unshaken by praise and blame."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 81



"A mountain, no matter how tall,

Is always beneath the feet of the person who climbs it."

- Venerable Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno