Monday, July 18, 2011

Being Stupid

Being Stupid

I remember there was a period of time I was guiding this student of mine,

And he would always say he's stupid when he can't comprehend what I was explaining to him.

There was once, when he used that excuse for the umpteenth time,

In exasperation, I told him this :

"Yes, you WERE stupid. BUT, are you going to be stupid, REMAIN stupid for the rest of your life?!"

Like I said in "Life's Lessons",

"What are we going to do about it?

Many people meet with setbacks, misfortunes, failures in life, or accidents, terminal illnesses etc, And ALL that they do is keep asking themselves 'Why'; sinking themselves deeper in sadness, depression, self-pity and delusion.

Some don't even try. They just slump back, give up and do nothing."

If only they use it as an opportunity to learn, to rise and become wise.

"This is the way leading to Discernment:

When visiting a priest or contemplative, to ask:

'What is skillful, venerable sir? What is unskillful?

What is blameworthy? What is blameless?

What should be cultivated? What should NOT be cultivated?

What, having been done by me, will be for my long-term harm & suffering?

Or What, having been done by me, will be for my long-term welfare & happiness?'"

MN 135

- The Buddha, Majjhima Nikaya 135

*** Read

1) I ask, I Answer (Q & A Part 1) -

2) Wise vs Fools -

3) Smart Not -

4) Sense Not -