Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths

I'll not begin with the 1st Noble Truth, "There is Suffering" cos' all of us have suffered enough (haven't we?)

And to still begin with it, all of you would probably scuttle away and not read what I have to say.

So I'll begin with the 3rd Truth instead - There's Happiness! (Yeah!)

And there's a way to get there.

In 'Competition and Consequences' - ",

I mentioned that everyone is telling us we need to compete, move fast, be first etc.

Where does it lead us?

Does it make us happy / happier?

Or does it bring us more stress and suffering? (Oops!)

Better yet, ask yourself, "Am I happy? Truthfully, honestly, really happy?"

Were there times when you flare up, feel sad, miserable, jealous, stressed, anxious etc?

If you do, then you're NOT truthfully, honestly, Real-ly happy.

Obviously, something is wrong somewhere with competition, moving fast, being first etc, isn't it?

In 'If' - ",

I also said that people tells us we have to get this, have that, so that we'll be happy.

Honestly, truthfully, after getting those things, are you Real-ly happy?

Or do you have to work so hard, 'climbing the high mountains, crossing the great seas' to get it that you're so tired and exhausted after that to truly enjoy it?

Even if you Are happy,

How long does that happiness last?

Or are you off again striving to get something else?

If you think about it, anything that satisfies our desires is the root for dissatisfaction and suffering later. (1st Noble Truth : There is Suffering)

In 'Competition and Consequences - Part 2 : Consequences' ( ,

I also mentioned that we already have a huge apple pie in front of us, yet we're not satisfied.

When we look to the right, we see someone with a strawberry pie, and we want it.

Then we look to the left, and we see another person with a blueberry pie, and we want it, too.

We can't even finish or cope with our own apple pie, yet we're coveting after other people's pies. (2nd Noble Truth : The Cause of Suffering)

What happen if we have all 3 pies?

We'll be so stuffed, so full and so bloated.

We'll probably suffer from indigestion after that, and we'll be in a bad mood cos' our stomach hurts, and we can hardly walk or breathe.

Not forgetting the high cholesterol, putting on weight, looking fat and puffed up, the high blood pressure, heart condition, irregular heartbeat, toxicity of the liver, the kidneys etc etc.

Is it suffering yet?

I can go on .........

So how?

So be content, with few wants, accept, let go
(3rd Noble Truth : The Cessation of Suffering - Happiness!)

Be happy and satisfied when we have something, Be happy and content even if we don't have.

That way, morality and virtues will slowly seep into our systems, we change our mindset, our views to one of contentment, peace, and everything else will just flow happily along.
( 4th Noble Truth : The Path to the Cessation of Suffering - The Path to Happiness - The Noble Eightfold Path )

Our hearts will prosper, and when our hearts prosper, our families will prosper, and that's how the nation and the whole world prosper,

Not through or by economics alone.

Simple as that.

Try it!

It's formula tried and tested by me - happy happy me. :)

"If you lack moral virtue, then even if you search for happiness until the day you die, you'll never find it.

Instead, you'll find nothing but suffering and discontent."

- Ajahn Maha Boowa

"If there's prosperity in our hearts, then the world can live in happiness and peace.

But if there's only material prosperity, it (material prosperity) can't give the world any happiness (and peace),

But make the world more hot and troubled than before."

- Ajahn Maha Boowa

"You can look and see that however much material progress and development there is in the world,

The confusion and suffering of humans increase right along with it."

- Ajahn Chah

"Suffering comes from 'having'."

- Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo

"External prosperity, Internal bankruptcy.

External prosperity + Internal bankruptcy = Insanity."

"Wherever you go, as long as you have craving,

You'll always have the itch - Suffering!"

- The Buddha

"Contrary to popular conventional and humanistic beliefs,

Prosperity is NOT about and does NOT mean external wealth or worldly possessions;

Prosperity is about inner virtues and morality."

"All who follow their greed, no matter where it leads, are left unsatisfied.

Pleasures always come to an end.

If you allow them to feed your greed,

You'll always be left exhausted and discontented."