Sunday, August 31, 2008

Maitreya 1 - Buddhism and Compassion

Maitreya 1 - Buddhism and Compassion

One day, in front of an assemblage, a man asked Maitreya, in a not very polite tone, and sounding quite frustrated too,

"You Buddhists always talk about compassion. Buddhism is all about compassion!"

Maitreya looked at the man, smiled and said,

"Sir, you are wrong.

Buddhism is not about compassion.

Buddhism is about compassion and a whole lot more!

Buddhism is about kindness, happiness, love, freedom, contentment, peace, and most important of all, Wisdom, Truth, Dhamma.

Anyway, isn't that what other religions are also about? Compassion.

Isn't that what being human is about? Compassion.

My goodness! Even animals know compassion.

If you do not know compassion, I do not know what are you!"

"Money (greed) does not make the world go round.

Money (greed) makes the world go down.

Compassion, love, kindness, peace, harmony and wisdom

Is what makes the world go round."

"Ground the people and children in wisdom and compassion,

Success and happiness will follow.

Ground the people and children in greed, hatred and delusion,

Then sadness, sorrow, pain and suffering will ensue."