Monday, September 3, 2007

What is, What is not

What is, What is not


Love is

- Unconditioned
- Letting go, setting free
- Acceptance
- Contentment and Forgiveness

Love is not

- Quantifiable; it is not measured by dollars and cents, or by any other physical, material means
- Conditioned and/or bound by views, opinions, beliefs, ideas etc
- Control, or the imposing of views and values
- Spoiling/pampering; it is not No discipline



Education is

- Literacy; learning to do things on our own, by ourselves; becoming independent.
- Being able to speck, read and write; communicate.
- Morals and values.
- Becoming a cultured and refine person who lives in harmony and is service to the world.

Education is not

- Competition.
- Being first/best.
- Labelling/branding/grading. (eg. elite/non-elite; normal/express/special; A/B/C/D/E/F etc)
- About money, Power and/or Status.

Love and Education plays a very important part in all aspects of our lives :

- In all our relationships with everyone
- In work and play
- In parenting
- In business
- In religion
- In governance

Yet, how many of us really understand what love and education really means?

How many of us, more often than not, fall into the trap of what they (love and education) are not.

Think about it :

If education is all about competition and being first, what usually follows is stress, anger, depression, anxiety, suspicion, low self-esteem, and all the other mental illnesses that's prevailing and afflicting in our modern society.

Education used to be about understanding, but now it's all about competition, achieving, being first and getting 'A's.

This results in separatism : I'm first, you're last. I'm good, you're bad/lousy. I'm higher/upper class, you're lower class. I'm superior, you're inferior. The list of labels goes on ........

The effects? Arrogance.

Or more aptly, cockiness for those who think they're better than others.

And builds resentment and jealousy for those on the other side of the fence.

In the end, it creates an immoral society with no values, and a people who are selfish and self-centred.

A country can be very good;

But education from the wrong/inappropriate perspective, and on the wrong/inappropriate footing, can destroy it.

Likewise with Love.

Do give it some thought.

"The wise ones focus on understanding and doing their best.

The foolish ones aim for 'A's.

Cos' if you think about it, at the end of the day, it's just a letter, a piece of paper anyway."

"Which is more important : Understanding a subject (or person)

or getting 'A's (showing off)?"