Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Truths of Life

Truths of Life :

When we have 'A', we want 'B'.

When we have 'B', we want 'C',

Or maybe 'A' again....etc etc ...

So, round and round we go in a vicious Endless cycle -

Like a dog chasing its tail.

We are unhappy because we are not content ( with who we are with, what we have, how much or how little we have etc )

We are not content because we keep craving and wanting for more, and our attachment ( for fame, fortune, status, power, etc )

In the process, we suffer ...

Because we want and crave, therefore we suffer.

We keep wanting and craving because we lack wisdom.

In essence, wisdom will lead us out of suffering.

Wisdom Ends Suffering .....

We can be FREE only if we LET GO

We can LET GO only if we ACCEPT & FORGIVE

We can ACCEPT & FORGIVE only if we know IT DOES NOT MATTER

Actually, a lot of things in life ( eg. fame, fortune, wealth, status, power, possessions, appearance etc ) REALLY DON'T MATTER.

If only we have the wisdom to see this, to know this, to understand this and to realise this ...

In essence, Wisdom will lead us to Freedom.

Wisdom frees Us .....

How do we get Wisdom?

"The Buddha taught the Noble Eightfold path as the WAY to freedom. It has helped me, and I hope it'll help you, too."

By realising that craving, the cause of our suffering is due to lack of wisdom ( Right View / Understanding )

By having Right View, we change our thoughts, speech and actions to one of contentment, unconditional and universal love, kindness and compassion; with no more discontentment, no more craving / attachment, no more anger, no more hate, no more selfishness, no more jealousy ... ( Right Thoughts, Right Speech, Right Action )

We will be transformed to a better, kinder person, and will not want to harm any beings because we are filled with love, kindness and compassion.

By not wanting to harm any being, we'll move towards helping, serving and benefiting all beings ( Right Livelihood )

As a result, we'll constantly make an effort to do good, and to abstain / refrain from evil deeds ( Right Effort )

By consciously making the Effort to do good, it makes us more mindful of our thoughts, speech and action every moment ( Right Mindfulness )

By being Mindful moment to moment, every moment; we start to concentrate ( Right Concentration )

With Right Concentration ( Meditation ), we'll come to have the Right View / Understanding and more Awareness of life and things around us (i.e. Wisdom )

Thus, the cycle of Purification begins, and the cycle of samsara comes to an end.

With Wisdom, we end our suffering and we free ourselves from the cycle of samsara, the wheel of Life.