Monday, January 17, 2011

Mara's Tenfold Army

Mara's Tenfold Army

1) Sensual Passion : 'You Mara, there are objects of sensuality, animate or inanimate,

And defilements of sensuality which is craving for these sensual objects,

Both these forms of sensuality cause those householders to become deluded so that they do NOT know The Truth.

These 2 consititutes your 1st Army.

There are householders who die still as worldlings amidst their worldly possessions

Because they cannot let go of them,

Eventhough they know the rarity of the rise of a Buddha.

As for the monastics, the requisites of food, medicine, lodging and robes, are all materials of sensuality which may be craved and enjoyed by them.

There are also monastics who die still as worldlings amidst these 4 requisites

Because they can't give them up.

These householders and monastics meet their hideous death on encountering your 1st Army.

2) Discontentment : Even if they may have taken up the ascetic life after abandoning sensuality,

Some tend to be disturbed and corrupted by aversion and dissatisfaction/discontentment;

Not taking delight in being in recluse, in learning and practice, in seclusion of forest dwellings, in Meditation, Concentration and Insight/Wisdom.

This, is the 2nd Army of yours, Mara.

3) Hunger and Thirst : Although a few may have overcome the 2nd Army,

But while observing the Dhutanga practices,

Some cannot eat to their heart's content,

And are therefore not satisfied, and become hungry again.

As thirst and hunger sets in, they lose interest in the practice and become drowned in this 3rd Army of yours.

4) Craving : Being oppressed by the burning desire to take food and drinks, many become physically and mentally weak;

Disheartened, indolent and unhappy.

They do NOT continue the practice they are engaged in.

5) Laziness, Sloth and Torpor : Becoming lazy, they get bored.

And with no progress in their spiritual practice,

They take to sleeping in their monasteries.

This is your 5th Army.

6) Fear : Sleeping excessively, their minds become dull, and their meditation practice deteriorates.

Overwhelmed by craving, they become fearful, weak and confused.

Theses monastics drowned themselves in your 6th Army.

7) Doubt/Uncertainty : Even if they were to get back to their meditation practices, having overcome fear,

Your 7th Army : 'Doubt' attacks them on their faith/conviction in Me, The Buddha, The Dhamma and The Sangha.

8) Haughtiness, Ego, Pride and Conceit : While some escape your 7th Army, putting in efforts night and day,

They burn themselves in your 8th Army when unusual signs from meditation appear to them.

Like you, they think highly of themselves and do not accord others their rightful place,

Giving no respect to their competent teachers

And instead, raise their own profile.

9) Fame, Recognition, Fortune, Glory and Praise : As they go on meditating, they see even more unusual signs.

Taking them - the signs - as real,

They become proud of their advancement,

Boasting their 'achievement'.

They destroy themselves in your 9th Army of craving and conceit,

Being pleased and swollen to see the spread of their name,

The amount of gifts they receive, the gains they got,

The increase in ignorant followers eventough they are preaching the false doctrines,

All through the burning desire and craving to increase their ill-gotten gains.

10) Self-praise and condemnation of others : As their ego rises,

They become pleased when they're being praised and become displeased when people question them.

They praise themselves and those who blindly support them, and condemn others who do the Right Practice.

Bringing to their own downfall of pride, conceit and deceit,

They 'kill' themselves in your 10th Army.

"You Mara, who prevent by force, the liberation of devas, humans and Brahmas from the rounds of suffering,

And whose forces are enormous.

I will have you know that :

This Prince Gotama Siddhatta is a Noble Man, a True Hero,

Who will fight you till the end.

If I have to withdraw from battle and be defeated by you and remain alive in this world,

It will be utter disgust and shame for me.

Therefore, You Mara, know me as one who rather die in battle than to concede defeat and live in shame.

I shall fight you and defeat you and vanquish your army and raise The Flag of Victory!"

"Wisdom divorced from Dhamma,

However much it is developed,

CANNOT be appreciated, honoured or trusted."

- Venerable Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno

"Wisdom for destructive purposes is essentially the wisdom of the animal world -
Where might is right,

Where force reigns supreme,

And where happiness comes from satisfying sadistic desires."

- Venerable Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno

"The foolish one,

Who is Lazy, Gluttonous, and Sleepy,

Who just wallows like a well-fed pig,

Is subjected to Repeated Rebirths."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 325

"Faring far, wandering alone,

Bodiless, lying in a cave,

Is the mind.

Those who subdue it

Are Freed from the bond of Mara."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 37