Monday, December 27, 2010

Letter To An Unknown Friend

Letter To An Unknown Friend

Somewhere in 2007, a friend, who was a staunch Christian, then a born-again Christian, who became a Buddhist,

Read to me an exchange that was taking in a Buddhist forum on the internet.

Apparently, a person from another faith went to the forum and put up several questions to the Buddhists,

Challenging them on their faith,

And substantiating his own religion with conversion in mind.

Being the nosey-parker me, that evening, I wrote a letter based on what's been transpired.

However, I didn't put it up on the forum.

I kept the letter cos it can be good material for my blog.

Actually, I thought of closing last year (2009) with it,

But didn't.

Anyhow, enjoy - eventhough it's a year late.

Dear XXX

Were you a child before?

Do you remember your childhood days?

Do you remember your growing up years as a pimply teenager,

Or as a foetus in your mother's womb?

Were you a consummation of your mom's and dad's deep love for each other,

Of your father's sperm fertilising your mother's egg;

Or, did God took you out from a 'baking factory' and present you as you are now to your parents?

Who creates/causes the greenhouse gases?

Is it because God farted?

What about the terrorists, criminals, murderers, rapists, con-men etc?

Did God create them to terrorise and cause havoc to the world?

If so, why?

Does it mean that they can continue their acts of terror and then repent on their death beds and still get a place in heaven?

What about the victims?

Aren't they God's 'children', too?

It's not very just, isn't it?

Considering that you say God is 'justice'.

And not very loving, too.

Cos if you truly love someone or something,

You'll want to take good care of them, protect them, and keep them free from harm and danger,

And not harm, hurt, or kill them.

We are living in developed countries, enjoying ease and luxury,

But there are others out there who are in poverty and starving,

Who are in undeveloped countries, and suffering.

We're born with 2 arms and 2 legs,

But there are many who are born with more, less, or maybe none.

If God is just and loving, why the inequality?

Wouldn't God ensure that all share equal wealth and health?

And more so since we're all 'said' to be his creation, replicas of him.

Why the disparity?

Why even the colour difference of black, brown, yellow and white?

I remember a friend of mine who, like you, was a staunch Christian, then a born-again Christian, but who is now a Buddhist.

He told me how, even as a Christian, he used to wonder and ask -

Why the difference in skin colour -

A question he put to his Christian friends, the elders, and the church,

And which NONE could answer but just evade totally.

If you think about it, his question is valid, justified and reasonable,

Cos it's true.

If using the 'baking factory' analogy,

Is it because some got burnt,

While others uncooked?

Did God misjudged the 'time'?

All that I know is,

Whether black, white, yellow or blue,

From your point of view,

God and Jesus loves you.

From my point of view,

I love you.

Who's right? Who's wrong?

Isn't harmony more important?

You say 'To-mah-to', I say 'To-may-to'.

It's still just a fruit, it's still just a vegetable.

I'm sure God and Jesus would be pleased to know if you're practising their teachings.

With All my Love and May All Beings be Well and Happy Always,

Maitre-Light :)

"If, O Bhikkhus, beings experience pain and happiness as a result of God's creation,

Then certainly these naked ascetics must have been created by a wicked God,

Since they are at present experiencing such terrible pain."


- The Buddha, Devadaha Sutta, No.101, Majjhima Nikaya Vol 2 page 222

"Having approached the brahmans & contemplatives who hold that …

'Whatever a person experiences … is ALL caused by a supreme being's act of creation,'

I said to them:

'Is it true that you hold that … Whatever a person experiences …

Is ALL caused by a supreme being's act of creation?'

Thus asked by me, they admitted, 'Yes'.

Then I said to them,

'Then in that case, a person is a killer of living beings because of a supreme being's act of creation.

A person is a thief … a holder of wrong views because of a supreme being's act of creation.'

When one falls back on a supreme being's act of creation as being essential, monks,

There is no desire, no effort (at the thought),

'This should be done. This shouldn't be done.'

When one can't pin down as a truth or reality what should & shouldn't be done, ...

One remains stuck in inaction.” — AN 3:62

- The Buddha, Anguttara Nikaya 3:62

"Being open does NOT mean accepting others' beliefs,

Being open means accepting what you thought/perceived/believed to be the Truth,

Is actually UN-True."

"One is not thereby righteous because one arbitrates hastily.

He who is Wise investigate both right and wrong.

The Wise man who guides others with due deliberation,

With righteous and just judgement

Is called a true guardian of the law,

Wise and righteous."

- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 256/257

"Man himself is responsible for his own happiness and misery.

He creates his own heaven and hell.

He is master of his own destiny.

Child of his past

And parent of his future."

- Sayadaw U. Thittila

"Thus, unlike a religion where trust involves the belief that the deity will provide for one's salvation -

Either through grace or as a reward for unquestioning obedience,

Trust in the Buddha and belief in His Teachings means that

One's salvation is ultimately one's own responsibility."

- Thanissaro Bhikkhu

* * * Read :

1) 'Good or Bad' -

2) 'Man and His Questions Part 2 : God or Not?' -

3) 'Where's God?' -

4) 'Do You Believe in God?' -

Have a Happy 'Questioning' and Reflective New Year, Everyone!