Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Buddha; Nibbana

The Buddha; Nibbana

There's a Zen Koan which a monastic adapted, and which I'm going to adapt further and put an end/closing to it.

2 monks were watching a flag flying in the wind.

Monk A said, "The flag is moving."

Monk B retorted, "No, the wind is moving."

Since they can't decide who's right or wrong, they went to see their Zen Master.

The Zen Master said, "You're both wrong - Your minds are moving."

Then, the 3 of them went to see the monastic.

The monastic told them, "All 3 of you miss the point - Your mouths are moving!"

Unfortunately, so is that of the monastic's.

So, not feeling satisfied, the 4 of them went to see The Buddha.

The Buddha looked at the 4 of them, smiled, and closed his eyes.

Silence ........ Peace ........ Contentment ........

Unconditioned ........ Beyond and neither nor ........ Non-Duality ........

Ah ........ Nibbana ........

What Bliss !

"The attainment of Nibbana is the Ultimate goal of the Holy Life."

- Venerable Acariya Maha Boowa Nana Sampanno

"Nibbana : Pure Eternal Bliss (Happiness, Contentment, Peace); transcending beyond body and mind.

It's like waking up from a sleep or dream which seems like a movie, an illusion (which is your life)."

"Buddhism : Removing suffering, attaining Peace, Happiness and Freedom (ie. Enlightenment)

It is a process of becoming Enlighten.

NOT a religion BUT a path of spirituality; a spiritual path of knowing, growing, understanding, realising and becoming Enlightened."

"Health is the highest gain;

Contentment is the greatest wealth.

The trusted (whether related or not) are the best kinsmen.

Nibbana is the Highest (Ultimate) Bliss."

- The Buddha

"Nibbana is the end of all having and lacking."

- Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo

"Nibbana - The Peak."