In 'Saving Others' - ( and 'The Teacher and the Teachings (Part 2) : The Teachings' - (,
I mentioned that there are a lot of people who can talk a lot.
Simply because words are cheap, and realisation is something that occurs in the mind, not the body.
Therefore, it is very easy to cheat.
Whatever knowledge they may have is that of familiarity and memory.
They may quote from texts, suttas, etc, or use the words and wisdom of great masters or others and make it their own, so that people will believe them.
They can speak at great length and in an extravagant way.
But in Reality, they don't really know the Truth themselves.
It's all bird-nest - expensive and useless, nothing but regurgitation -
Cause it's not spoken, felt and experienced from the heart.
Their heart.
"People whose understanding is founded upon knowledge gained through memorisation are very preoccupied with their own ideas,
Always assuming they are highly intelligent.
In Truth, they are completely deluded."
- Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
"Only repeating what one has heard, is, but the sign of an underdeveloped mind."
- Venerable Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
"There is a great gap between written and spoken Dhamma,
AND the Dhamma manifesting within a person's mind."
- Venerable Ajahn Mun
"One is not versed in the Dhamma merely because one speaks too much.
He who hears little and sees the Dhamma mentally, and who does not neglect the Dhamma, is , indeed, versed in the Dhamma."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 259
"He is not a wise man just because he talks much;
Only he who is peaceful, free from enmity, and does no harm to others,
is called a wise man."
- The Buddha
"The Real Dhamma can only be realised through practice."
- The Buddha
"If one only has knowledge of books and scriptures, sermons and sutras, even in hundreds of lives,
One will NEVER know purity, radiance and peacefulness of mind."
- Ajahn Chah
"Who will you choose to help you in times of war -
The person who studies books and theories,
Or the person who's engaged in battlefield before?"
"You have to be in it to know it."
"Knowledge is NOT realisation.
You can have all the knowledge,
But if you do not practise,
You're just like a spoon -
Not tasting the flavour of soup."
"If the Dhamma isn't brought into the heart,
It's not truly known.
It's not actually seen."
- Ajahn Chah
"Anybody can learn and memorise the names and symbols of Dhamma because they are things which anybody should be able to memorise.
But the important thing is the TRUE Dhamma whose name and symbols one has naturally in oneself without having to learn it by repetition and memorising -
And this kind of Dhamma is difficult to practise, difficult to see and difficult to KNOW."
- Venerable Ajahn Mun
"From corrupt Dhamma comes corrupt discipline;
From corrupt discipline, corrupt Dhamma."
- The Buddha
"If the heart is false, it will produce false Dhamma ......... and NOTHING of the true Dhamma will filter into one's heart."
- Venerable Ajahn Mun
* In short, Don't be Tuccho Tothila ie. Venerable Empty Scripture. Have a Happy Lunar New Year Everyone !
(And please remember : Avoid too much 'empty-talking' ... )
Love ........ Maitre-light