Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yoga - Yana

Yoga - Yana

There are many 'yanas' nowadays - Hinayana (representing the Theravadans, meaning Lower or Lesser Vehicles), Mahayana (Greater Vehicle), Vajrayana (Diamond Vehicle - under the Tibetan Buddhism), Yana - Yana (Oops! No such Vehicle ;p )

Hinayana, to me, is a derogatory term.

And it tells more about those who started this term, and those who are still using this term, than the Theravadans and the Arahants, or the forest dhutanga kammatthana monks.

Think about it :

The Buddha is The Perfect One, The All Loving and Kind One. His Teachings is based on equality - regardless of class, caste, colour and/or creed.

So, would such a Great and Compassionate Being label or name his disciples, 'Lesser', 'Greater', or 'Diamond'? Or even separate them into groups?

Labels and name-calling are the ways of the world, and Definitely Not that of someone who's Enlightened.

But that's another subject matter.

What triggers this entry though, is that, since there are so many yanas, being the egoistic nosey parker worldling me, I thought I'll come out with another yana - "Yoga-yana".

What's yoga-yana?

If you've eaten a drum stick that's attached to the thigh/hip, you'll understand what I mean.

Try and break/detach the drum bone from the thigh/hip bone.

There will be those which you have to twirl 8-10 times or more, before they finally dislodge from each other.

These are the ones who don't do yoga.

Then, there will be others which you turn just one or two rounds and they break off from each other very easily. These are the ones who over-did yoga.

The last are those which you may need to turn 3-5 times and the bones slowly loosen and break away from each other.

Now, these are the ones who really do yoga,

And who do it the right way - Not never, nor over,

But just right in the middle.

And that's, "Yoga-Yana".

"Not too much, not too little,

But just right."

"Not too tight, not too loose,

But just nice."