The Ratana means the Triple Gems : The Buddha, The Dhamma and The Sangha.
Buddha : Self-explanatory - it means The Awakened One or The Enlightened One.
Dhamma : The Teachings of the Buddha, the (Ultimate) Truth, the laws of nature.
Sangha : Nowadays, this term is very mis-used. It does NOT mean ALL the Buddhists ie. monks, nuns, lay people.
Nor does it mean the whole monastic order. ie. monks and nuns only.
As The Buddha proclaimed in the Ratana Sutta,
"Those eight individuals praised by the virtuous,
They constitute four pairs ( Stream-entry/Sotapanna, Once-returner/Sakadagami, Non-returner/Anagami and Fully Enlightened/Arahant)......."
So,what The Sangha really means is The Noble Ones - those who have at least reached the stream-entry -- the first stage of enlightenment, who sees the Dhamma.
( Read The Ratana Sutta -
It may not be just the monks and nuns, it can also be lay people - so long as they see the Dhamma.
For me, I'm even stricter on that term.
I take it to mean only the Arahants - the fully Enlightened ones.
The role of the Buddha is to give love - by teaching/expounding the Dhamma to the world.
The Dhamma is to bring happiness cos Dhamma brings immense happiness and joy if and when you can truly and fully comprehend and see it.
The Sangha is to be at peace.
They are peaceful people who helps to bring peace to the world through their ways, actions, deeds and mannerisms.
And that's the Ratana - The Triple (Precious) Gems :
Purity ( Buddha ), Truth/Wisdom ( Dhamma ) and Light ( Sangha )
"Dhamma is what will make this world an oasis of goodness."
"Our values and worth as human beings comes from our morality, our virtue and our behaviour.
People with moral virtue are people of value.
Wherever they live, everything is at peace, at ease."
- Ajahn Maha Boowa
The flavour of Truth (Dhamma) excels all other flavours.
The pleasure in Truth (Dhamma) excels all other pleasures.
He who has destroyed craving overcomes all sorrow."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 354
"By day shines the sun;
By night shines the moon;
In regalia shines the king;
In meditation shines the Arahant;
But the Buddha in his glory shines at all times,
By day and by night."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 387
"The Bhikkhu who, while still young,
Devotes himself to the Buddha's Teaching,
Illumines this world.
Like the moon freed from a cloud."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 382
"Good is the sight of the Noble Ones;
To live with them is always a pleasure."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 206
"Rare is birth as a human being.
Hard is the life of mortals.
Hard is the hearing of the Sublime Truth (Dhamma).
Rare is the appearance of the Buddhas."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 182
"May the Dhamma last as long as my sons and grandsons,
And the sun, and the moon will be,
And may the people follow the path of the Dhamma,
For if one follows the path,
Happiness in this and in the other world will be attained."
- King Asoka