Truth / Honesty
In the previous entry 'The 1st Truth' - 13 July 2009, I mentioned that, "Without acknowledging, we can't do anything about it. Only when we admit/acknowledge, can we then do something about it."
The same actually applies to our flaws/weaknesses - Only when we can acknowledge our faults, can we then correct it.
However, often our ego is too huge, our vanity too strong.
It gets in the way and blinds us and clouds our minds/eyes to see/admit we are wrong/defiled.
That we have imperfections.
That we do make mistakes.
We try to cover up so that we don't see it, and others don't see it.
It's like you have a hole in your pants and someone points it out to you.
We have to admit it.
But many don't.
Or refuse to.
We rather choose to ignore, say it's still small, refuse to believe, or deny its existence.
We do nothing about it.
Before long, the small hole become so big and very soon, it exposes our whole butt,
When a stitch in time could save 9.
But then again, maybe it'll be the latest fashion.
Who knows?
Cos' people nowadays are exposing all the strange parts of their body for the whole world to see anyway.
"An aspirant to Nibbana accepts the Truth,
Being ready to face it and admit it,
Despite the fact that the Truth is sometimes unpleasant and hurts his defilements or ego."
- Venerable Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
"Acknowledge, Forgive and Learn never to do it again."
- The Buddha
"What do you expect? What are you going to do about it?
What can you learn from it?"
"If you cannot see the kamma here, in what realm of heaven or hell will you ever learn to accept it?"
- Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
"Man's mind is given to so much self-deceit (and conceit) that he does not want to admit his own weaknesses.
He will try to find some excuse to justify his action and to create an illusion that he is blameless.
If a man really wants to be free, he must have the courage (and humility) to admit his own weaknesses."
- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda
"A mountain, no matter how tall, is always beneath the feet of the person who climbs it."
- Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno
"For those who are conceited and heedless, the corruptions increase."
- The Buddha, Dhammapada verse 292
"If you want to gain release from suffering and stress in this lifetime, then see the dangers of your own errors, your complacency, and your lack of mindfulness."
- Ajahn Maha Boowa Nanasampanno