Saturday, January 6, 2007

Contentment vs Craving

Contentment vs Craving

After graduation, I wanted a job that's 'compatible' with my qualifications.

I got a job with reasonable pay, doing very simple tasks.

I was unhappy.

I've got a double degree, surely I can do more than just simple tasks like these.

Way before 'busy-ness' became a trend, I already wanted it - look busy, act busy, be busy -

Busy busy busy ....

So, I found one.

What people would call a high flying job, earning big bucks and VERY busy.

Was I happy?


I was miserable, stressed out, tired, depressed, and so Not happy!

So I left. Got myself temp work, earn little, did simple tasks, but very happy.

Then, my greed, ego and craving got the better of me.

I started thinking ...

I've got a degree! I should not be doing this.

What I'm paid is too little - I should be earning more!

What about my future? I don't have enough for retirement!

My skills, my talents, my knowledge, my abilities, my everything, ME!

I'm not fully utilised. This job is a shame to my talent, my skills, my ....

Blah blah blah

I was so full of myself.

My ego was so huge I could put the whole Earth in it.

So, back I went to those 'high flying, busy' jobs that squeeze every drop of blood, sweat and fat out from me.

Was I happy?

No! Of course not! You kidding me?!

I was miserable, stressed out, tired, depressed, and so so so NOT HAPPY!

So I left. Again.

Temp, busy, temp, busy ... round and round I was going in circles, like a dog chasing its tail.

Then one day, as I sat on my bed, reflecting,

I saw.

For the first time, I saw right in front of me, so clearly what was happening.

How could I be so foolish?

So blind?

History was repeating itself over and over again, yet, I didn't 'see' it.

From that moment on, I took off the chains of craving, and walked my first step towards

The Light of Contentment.

Was I happy?


"When there's no wanting, there's no having, there'll be no lacking."

"Contentment is the greatest Wealth

Wisdom comes to the one who's content "

"From craving springs grief

From craving springs fear

For he who's wholly free from craving

There's no grief, much less fear"

- The Buddha