Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Writing This Blog

Writing This Blog

Writing this blog is hard work. I never expect it to be this hard.

How can something so simple be so hard?

I suppose the simplest things in life are the hardest.

What to say, how to say it right so that it'll come out right, so that people will understand, and not misunderstand.

Cos' I may come across as too harsh, too pushy, preachy, authoritative even.

Sometimes, what's being expressed may not be what was intended, no matter how hard I try.

Realisations like these can never be put into words.

It has to be experienced.

To be felt.

I've cried my tears of sadness that I'm such a failure, that I can't even do something as simple as writing a blog.

I fell, I stumble, I falter, I made mistakes (loads of them) but I just have to pick myself up again.

Life is a learning process.

And I'm learning how to write a blog.

Just as I told the most notorious class in a neighbourhood secondary school which I was giving relief teaching some years back -

" You made a mistake but that does not make you a lesser being. It does not mean you have to live with that mistake for the rest of your life. You pick yourself up, sweep the dust off your butt and you move on."

Writing this blog has been a humbling experience for me.

In the process, I learn.

"It's just a blog, so why should I be so hard on myself?", you may ask.

But if you want to share what you've learnt, discovered and realised, so as to benefit others, and to bring some love, peace and harmony back to this world again, it's no longer "just a blog".

It can't.

I have my share of joy, too.

When people ask for the address to read it.

When people tell me "well done!"

This may not be 'perfect', but I do my best, the best that I can, to share with everyone my realisations and experiences, and this is one of them.

Happy Reading