Monday, June 25, 2007

Competition and Consequences - (Part 2) Consequences

Competition and Consequences - (Part 2) Consequences

You know, some people have a huge "apple pie" in front of them already.

Yet, they're not satisfied.

They can't even finish or cope with their own "apple pie".

Yet when they look to the right, they see someone with a "strawberry pie", and they want it.

Then, they look to the left, they see another with a "blueberry pie", and they want it, too.

Be careful ...

If you can't even handle your own "apple pie", avoid hankering or coveting after others' "pies".

You may get "indigestion".

The stress and competitive nature of our current world creates an atmosphere of greed and unhappiness, selfishness and immorality.

As I said in 'Let's talk about Love' -, there's too much negativity right now.

Let's all take the call of the government and be an entrepreneur.

An entrepreneur of positivity, that is.

I assure you you'll earn lots of money.

Why else do you think motivational speakers are earning big bucks?

The negativity market is saturated already.

Too much depression, too much sorrows, sadness and pain, too much anger, enmity and hate.

You'll not be profitable selling negativity.

The places where I used to work, a lot of negativity.

Lots of gossiping and complaining.

Like I said in "Let's talk about Love" -,

One gossips, all gossip.

One complains, all complain.

I always smile and laugh all the time.

The staff likes to talk to me.

Even the aunties say that when they see me smile/laugh/happy, it makes them happy and want to smile.

Trust me, positivity is a rare commodity.Sell it!

No money in your bank account, never mind.

But I assure you, you'll earn lots of good karma.

People will love you.

Of course there are those who say or call me names like, "You siow(mad) or what?!" "Crazy woman!" "You forgot to take your medicine hah?" "Time to take your medicine!"

I just laugh it off and forgive them.Sometimes, I join in the fun too and reply, "Ya! Ya!" :)

They don't realise that I'm not the one with 'illness', they are.

They are drowning themselves in negativity, always unhappy, unsatisfied, suffering in samsara, chasing after all those material things, coveting after all those 'have-nots'.

And because they're unhappy, they want others to be unhappy and suffering like them, too.

Very sad.

The world is filled with so many of such people.

And when they see or find someone who's truly happy and smiling, they don't like it.

They get uncomfortable.

They think or feel that this odd one out must be mad or crazy.

If only they realised that they're the ones who don't get it.

That their world is just too negative and miserable, and that there's no light or happiness in their world.

Always distract the mind with positive happy thoughts, and in the process, you'll increase your immune system and not fall sick so easily.

Remember this Always :

Thoughts = A B C

If you keep thinking negative thoughts, it'll affect your speech and deeds (A: Action).

And when you keep speaking and acting in a negative manner, it becomes B - your Behaviour.

Once you continue to behave in a negative way,

It becomes a habit, then over a period of time,it becomes You - the Consequence. (C)

In other words,

Thoughts become you.

You are what you think.

So be careful.

Cos' negative thoughts and emotions gives out negative energy which affects the whole atmosphere and they usually hurt not just others, but also ourselves.

Likewise, positive thoughts and emotions gives out positive energy.

So, Be Positive, Stay Happy and Smile Always!

Cos' our Mother Earth needs and depends on You - Your positive energy that is.

* (Please refer to "Earth" - Do you know she's in pain -

"Man can change the whole atmosphere according to his thoughts, speech and actions.

In this respect, man not only can mould himself, but also adjust the destiny of the whole world."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda

"Just as the light of a single candle can light a million zillion other candles without itself getting extinguished,

So the Kindness, Compassion and Happiness of one, too, can spread to the whole world."

"Physical conditions are largely determined by mental states.

The body is what a man makes by the form of his thoughts."

- Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda

"We are what we think;

All that we are arises with out thoughts,

We make the world."

- The Buddha

"Think not lightly of evil, saying :

It will not come to me.

Drop by drop the pitcher is filled.

So the fool becomes saturated by evil,

Little by little he gathers it.

The wise man gathers worthy thoughts and deeds,

Bit by bit he builds his pile of Happiness."

- The Buddha

"Clear the mind of all its defilements, and you free and heal the body of all its ailments."

- The Buddha